Sun, Apr 27 2008 12:41 AM aheram

News: Does She Look Like a Music Pirate?

Tanya Andersen made news a few years ago when the RIAA boldly went after this single mother in their crackdown on so-called music pirates. She is in the news again, but this time she is the one on the attack:

When Tanya Andersen opens the door to her modest apartment in suburban Portland, Ore., her Maltese-terrier mix, Tazz, runs over and wags his tail in a friendly hello. The 45-year-old single mother doesn't seem like much of a fighter. She spends most of her days sitting on an overstuffed sofa with a heating pad behind her back to ease chronic pain and migraines that have kept her on disability for nearly five years. Her voice is soft and halting. Yet this woman is behind a fierce assault on the music industry and its tactics for combating music piracy on the Internet.


At stake is the RIAA and its copyfascist tactics:

  1. Privacy breaches.
  2. Illegal snooping.
  3. Intimidation and extortion.

And that is what is being reported at the moment. In the guise of protecting their state-granted monopoly, the RIAA is more than willing to resort to dirty and underhanded tactics to extort money from innocent individuals.

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