Would you move 1000 miles for a job?

Published Tue, Mar 9 2010 11:20 AM | duffmann808

CNN seems to be a wealth of fallacies lately.

This family was devastated when the father lost his job eight years before he was supposed to retire.  When offered a job opportunity a thousand miles away, they responded with this...

"The Kerls didn’t want to take the kids out of school. And they couldn’t face the prospect of selling their house anyway with real estate prices plummeting."

So, instead of being happy to have a job in a recession, they ungreatfully decided not to move.  Two of the greatest things to happen to me in my life have been moves.  At the time both of them seemed daunting and insurmountable, but long run they have both made sense.  The reason the Kerls would have moved is because there is more economic activity, freedom and mobility in Texas.  The family could have re-established in Texas in a place where things are moving forward instead of stagnating.  I have no sympathy (or empathy) for those whose short-sightedness and bad decision making leads to negative outcomes.