F Dominicus Blog

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"Peace project"
I guess this will be another big sham and lie of government. See how our rights go down the drain. You can look wherever you like Be it EC, or USA or South Amerika (Argentinia, Columbia, Bolivia) This time it's nearly the same as around 1789. The...
is it just me or does anyone else see it that way also? As we know the states to participate on every income in their region they rule as monopolist or dictator. Well so far so bad. Anyway a state can not produce anything, they just can consume. So far...
A new and a secret round of expropriation
One just can say the break-down runs in direct confirmation of Mises predictions but also "Atlas shrugged". People start to sell off bonds from nearly any EU country. Believe it or not Germany is not among them. Quite the opposite, the spreads...
How deep is the trouble (France)?
Now after Greece let's have a look at France. I now work for more then 10 years with a french programmer. And he's self employed. (but won't be that much longer we will retire). The french government does act as the the sun's king times...