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Another 12 billions on their way
<p> The highest court in Germany will start "thinking" about the lawsuits tomorrows. This were initiated a year ago before the first money was transferred. Just imagine you know a defrauder, he is caught and one year "nothing"...
Was Greece saved?
The Greek Parliament has agreed and will get another few billions. Has this changed the fundamental problem? Well let us assume the Greeks really will be able to sell of a few "assets". How often are you able to do that? Exactly one time. Now...
At leat some good news
English banks reduce their exposer to EU risks: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8584442/UK-banks-abandon-eurozone-over-Greek-default-fears.html 1:100 that Merkel and Sarkozy will name them speculates. Or traitors or such Greeks history...
Some will never get it
There are at least two of them here in Euro land. Named Merkel and Sarkozy Why do I write that? Well they want to keep Greece floating with anohter staging 120 billion bill fo all the europeans. Well they did not tell us they will give this money out...
Some really got it
There's a saying in Germany "Gut Ding will Weile haben" it seems the english counterpart is "haste makes waste" At least a few probably have risen their head to see the light. They now tell us: "There's no Euro crisis"...
Again a Failout Plan
Well they name it euphemistic "safety chute" and they simple ignore laws they themselves have decided. Last year it was Greece, this year it's going to be Ireland. Well the Irish have lived beyond any means and have obviously had a way too...
TARP the EU way
Yeah guys. the TARP money has "vanished" like snow in the sun. Nobodoy know cares or ask where it's gone. Now the EU has seen it and though by themselves. What a great thing. Money for nothing and the gigs for free... And voila now it's...
Ayn Rand has "named it!"
Now it's done. Laws so not save non-defrauders but,helps defrauders to accomplish their raids. The US and EU are the first countries with laws, which help criminals. And even best a party supposed to be more liberal than anything els here has say...
Investors be aware
If you invest in the EU or Euro zone be prepard to not just econimic hindrance, expect the worst from politicians. Think of taxes on investments and the like and you may not be suprised. If you feel contract have to be obeyed, then forget this as soon...
Much trouble ahead
Ok now it's "nearly" done the great Country Pontzi Scheme goes on. The EU will decide (whith high likliness) that 110 MRD new credits will be given to Greece. Germany alone has to "bear" 28 MRD. Interstingly enough the first number...
from Greece is in free fall. Now it's Junk-bond status. The interest has risen to above 10%. Well Greeks the EUR is just "paper" money. So there's always the "solutio" of hyperinflation. Unfortunatly you are not alone with...
Don't make contracts with the EU
they will not served. the EU will pay for the debts of Greece: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8508688.stm needless to say: http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/126.html and http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/125.html Now a giant new lie is done. Don't count on...
How long will the EUR persist
Even frauds, are not a reason to throw out the defrauders. So the questions about help for those breaking all rules, are answered. The politicians do not care a bit. If they steal, they name it taxes, if the do black-mailing it's helping EU partners...
Liberalism on it's way out?
Well it seems Liberals will see tough times in the near future, till it will turn out that they got it right. Let's wait which country bankruptcy will be the tombstone of this ever progressing socialism. Now it will get interesting for Greece, Portugal...
Moral hazard² or not?
Just a reminder the EU president Baroso, wants an action to help out Greece. The Maastricht Vertrag is very clear about this: Die Union haftet nicht für die Verbindlichkeiten der Zentralregierungen, der regionalen oder lokalen Gebietskörperschaften...
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