F Dominicus Blog

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Now what's up Fed?
Isn't it time for QE IV? You still think you can print yourself out of the misery with even more worthless paper don't you? Just one question. Why hasn't it worked in the past? What's can be the problem? Are the printing presses to slow...
How much worth is your Euro?
Well in Germany we have one answer since yesterday. Ten years ago shares of ENBW were sold to the french government owned EBNF. That has cost them around 2.4 Billion Euro. Now the land Baden-Württemberg has bought back the shares. (nice side-note, the...
Don't make contracts with the EU
they will not served. the EU will pay for the debts of Greece: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8508688.stm needless to say: http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/126.html and http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/125.html Now a giant new lie is done. Don't count on...
The "allmighty" politicians
An intersting example of farsight of politicians. As some of you may know Greece, has terrible hard times with their deficits. some suggest that it has to be excluced from the EU currency area, however there are not provisions for such a case. And now...