F Dominicus Blog

A politically incorrect blog about matters of money, government, bureaucracy, freedom and sometimes something else.

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Is there an end?
of believing into lies? It seems our capacity to accept lies is nearly unbounded. The newest "gags". Greece has lied and has presented figures not even near the truth. Still they get payments of other "partner". Now they told our just...
It does not make sense
to read the comments on price development at least for Gold. I tend to day it does not make sense at all to expect anything of worth from stock "experts". Can one talk about a down for gold if it's moving just 0.5%? Well I think no. And...
It's high time to say goodbye
dear reader. I guess it's not a suprise to you that I want money as value and not money as debt. The outooks are getting more devastating every day. And the "solutions" suggested are the same wrong things we're doing since we abolished...
Intermediate status
Of Inflation up to 3.1 % in the US and 2.4% in EURo land Does not need much more to get over 4%. If that is reached you money will half it's value in just 18 years. And still the Fed is printing money as mad. So maybe 5% is not that far away. And...