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Immigration - Again
Sometimes I am accused of hammering this issue into the ground. That’s fine with me. It comes up a lot among the different factions of the libertarian movement and, to my mind, has become a good measure of where people stand on individual rights versus...
Time to Bury The Dead
Some people in the movement seem to want to hold on to the relics of the past as if their lives depend on it. I believe this is due to an inability to comprehensively come up with new approaches to age old problems. Of course, that is only a part of it...
We Need More Time - The Collectivist Battle Cry
I have heard it over and over. Excuses about why a collectivist society has always failed miserably. I have heard it so often that I have named it the "We Need More Time" excuse. "That wasn't true communism/socialism. If (insert excuse...
What About The Children?
First Thoughts OK, my first thought is, “Why do people keep bringing up the children?” Even though I would have to guess that it is because they represent something to most people. So what do they represent? I think it is a deep rooted psychological problem...
Quit Saying Public Please
It is interesting how much power is in that one little word, “Public”. From where I am sitting, it is the word used to commit all kinds of atrocities in the US. The idea that there is some kind of collective greater good that can be imposed on people...