Ron Morley's Freedom Blog

This is the place where I do my little bit to explain the evils of the State.

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Why the OWS isn't the Tea Party
There is a lot of talk amongst the learned pundits, who occupy chairs of importance, within the Mainstream Media about how the new “Occupy Wall Street” movement is the leftist, excuse me, I meant liberal, equivalent of the constitutional conservative...
Liberty died in America today
I'm watching the results of the mid-term election as I write this and I am afraid that freedom died in America tonight. There have simply not been enough incumbents defeated to make an impression upon the entrenched elites who control the Big Government...
Constitution? What Constitution?
The President of the United States fired the President of General Motors Corporation over the weekend. This would have been unthinkable even a decade ago. But, things have changed and, apparently, this doesn't bother most of the American people or...