Ron Morley's Freedom Blog

This is the place where I do my little bit to explain the evils of the State.

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Corporations bow to Federal power
The Federal government has now grown so powerful that some in this nation are taking its slightest wish to be a command. The announcement on Monday by a group of major American corporation, including Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, Tyco and others, that they...
Facts, distortions, and the coming auto company bailout
The debate continues, among the economically illiterate lawmakers in Washington, D.C. About whether or not the Federal government should make some $25 billion available to the Detroit automakers to, supposedly, enable them to remain in business. As part...
Paulson Declares victory, sets stage for next economic crisis
The latest word from Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is that he believes “we have stabilized the major financial firms” and that he does not anticipate any more failures of large companies. He has effectively declared victory in the so-called...
Yet another Federal "bailout" in the works
The Federal government is about to stage yet another “bail-out” of a business which is “too important to fail.” This time the target will be Detroit's Big Three automakers, beginning with General Motors. We are hearing the...