Natural Order

Can Austrian economics ever become mainstream?

Austrian econ is not for everyone. Those who study economics in order to fine-tune economies through public policy will not likely agree with it. Of those who do, their only recourse is to admit their goals as being unachievable, which would mean that they no longer care to implement policy. How many politicians would run for office in order to give up power? This is something which runs contrary to the motivations for running for office itself.

The success of a school of economics seems to come from its use in politics and its use in academia. But to what extent does one effect the other? Does academia primarily effect politics, or is it the other way around? Did Hayek "loose" to Keynes because of intellectual reasons, or political ones? We all know that government cannot make rational decisions in a great number of areas. Is it capable of choosing good economic theories at all, and if not, what does that say about economics as a science?

It seems to me that all sciences benefited greatly when they were separated from politics. Galileos were no longer be persecuted for their ideas. Freedom of speech erected a wall of separation between thought and government which greatly increased the quality of intellectual thought. Is such a thing even possible with economics? According to this study, there are far more economists employed in academia than any other field, but also considerably more in government than private business.

At least praxeology offers an alternative way for people to examine the worthiness of economic theories if interpreting history proves too subjective. But all of that matters little if economic thought, due to its close kinship with politics, is more the result of political action than scientific truth.


Ajay Siruvuri said:

Policy based on political choice rather than sound intellectual reason can never be sustained for long. It was proved in the case of Keynes vs Hayek. In the end rationality prevails. But sadly we may not see the separation of politik and reason  

# October 7, 2007 1:29 PM