
Never run with the crowd. They're probably headed over a cliff.

Obama: Only Capping Health Care Costs?

Don't be a lemming. When some flashy guy in a funny hat starts waving his arms and yelling, "Danger! Danger! Run, run, run! As fast as you can!" take a moment to look around and see where you're going. You might just find there's a cliff there behind the bedsheet painted to look like a rosy sunset. Lemmings don't commit mass suicide, they are guilty only of mass hysteria when in the presense of clever film makers who stand to gain from the carnage.

The health care debate goes something like this: Health care costs are rising. Many people are uninsured. We need a government insurance plan to make health care affordable. Obama has promised that this option is not intended to put private insurers out of business but only to provide an option for the poor. Is the Futbol Guru the only person who sees that this argument makes no sense whatsoever?

As far as I can tell, providing government insurance doesn't address rising medical costs at all, it just makes people with jobs pay for those without jobs. Hospitals are expensive and must be amortized over time. Drugs are expensive and must be included in the cost of care. Medical equipment is expensive because it does amazing things. Makers of hospitals, drugs, and equipment need good lawyers because people are always trying to sue them for killing grandma. And of course doctors and nurses aren't cheap either. These are the costs of health care and are completely unaddresed by the subject of government insurance, which promises only to pay the bills.

Access to health care is literally, access to your life. What better way to control people than to control access to your life? You'll do just about anything to get the chemo that could save your child's life, wouldn't you. Or your own. And people might hold that over you to get what they want. There are people who think this way. They want to control your life for their own ends. Sometimes they just want to get rich. Sometimes they just want to be in charge, or have some personal agenda like environmentalism. We all know people like this. Sometimes they are the little-league parent who demands their child be placed in a position of honor. And sometimes they are the President of the United States.

What has the Obama administration tried to take control of since taking office? The health care debate is front and center right now. If the government wins they control your health.

What else? The auto industry? They already own two of the three American automakers and are passing ever more stringent regulations. Are these regulations all environmental? Maybe they are and maybe they're not. Either way, they now control 2/3 of the US auto industry which means they are in the process of taking over transportation. And what is transportation if not your ability to move from place to place? They will control movement in the country.

How about energy? Cap and trade will place a tax on the use of fossil fuels. How do you get around? Fossil fuels. Cap and trade will further limit your movements. And if you want to leave the country you'll need energy to do it. How will that affect the cost of an airline ticket? Will you be able to afford it? Will you have enough carbon credits left to buy an airline ticket even if you have the money? They will control your ability to leave the country? Liberty itself is at stake.

Anything else? How much money has gone to banks? What do these banks now 'owe' the government. How much does the Federal Reserve, always a private, quasi-governmental institution, now owe to the government? The Federal Reserve controls cash flow. Does the government now control where the money goes? It sure has done some radical redistribution in the last six months.

A recap of what the government stands to gain if they get their way with all this? They could ultimately control your health, your movement within the country, your ability to leave the country, and your access to money. Sounds a bit like another country that is no longer with us. The largest empire in the history of planet Earth. Lot of people cried when that wall came down. Reckon they might just be smiling again.

Futbol Guru,