Rubén Rivero Capriles

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Mayor Antonio Ledezma's Hunger Strike

Caracas, July 8, 2009

Mayor Ledezma is already getting the attention of OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and of the press. I back the suggestion from Miranda state Governor Henrique Capriles Radonski, who advises Ledezma to immediately suspend his hunger strike. Small businesses located on Orinoco Avenue in Las Mercedes commercial district have already lost much patronage in the last few days. In the current economic juncture it is completely out of place to harm the little business that is still left.

Mr. Ledezma, citizens voted for you so that you work and preoccupy yourself about the city's many problems, if you rest on a stretcher you aren't doing that. This is similar to when the opposition withdrew from the legislative elections on 2005 and was left without a space at the National Assembly. If you conclude this hunger strike alive, you will have to undertake extensive medical treatment in order to recover your health. These are no longer Ghandi's times when events occurred slowly and people could afford the luxury of wasting their time. Please do not waste your time any longer, be creative and find solutions. If you are unable or do not have the time to find any solutions, I see no reason for voting for you again in future elections. You also chose a terrible moment for this strike, because Honduras will continue grabbing headlines for a long time to come.

            Rivero & Cooper, Inc.            RROOPSTR


Caracas, July 10, 2009

Dear Metropolitan Mayor of Caracas, Mr. Antonio Ledezma:

Thank you for having considered the request from so many people who are genuinely worried for your health and for your life. We are now waiting for your full recovery in order to retake the leadership of the Mayor office. You have demonstrated much creativity in the past and many achievements; however, it is necessary to be even more creative in order to obtain further achievements, despite being slight. I am asking you, more than ever before, to look for ways to meet the city's needs despite any new obstacles. Maybe the moment has arrived for you to concentrate on the needs of the city of Caracas and therefore I propose you to momentarily leave the political and ideological struggles as a second priority. Please manage this city, do the exercise on a daily basis of designing the solution for any specific problem concerning the citizens who are not involved in politics, so that by the end of 2010 you will have already achieved solving 500 specific problems. In order to accomplish that you may consider delegating the political and jurisdiction struggles on your legal advisers.

Mayor Ledezma, we need you today as an efficient manager, not as a politician. I augur that if you make your energies available to constantly back upon your management creativity, you will be able to solve many petty problems in the present, which will imply further political achievements for you in the medium run.