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Prices, and Production: Lecture III, Part IV
Published Thu, Jul 9 2009 4:50 PM | laminustacitus
The importance that the adjustments of the price mechanism free of any external influences has in respect to a prospering economy is highlighted when we investigate the results of the “'natural' movement of prices” is disrupted by...
Prices, and Production: Lecture II, Part IV
Published Sat, Jun 6 2009 8:33 PM | laminustacitus
At last we are ready to begin the main problem of this lecture, that is the problem of how a transition to a more capitalistic structure of production, or vice versa, is brought about, and what are the conditions that must be fulfilled for a new equilibrium...
Prices, and Production: Lecture II, Part III
Published Fri, Jun 5 2009 1:15 AM | laminustacitus
It is now time to add the flow of money into Hayek's theoretical apparatus. While the Hayekian triangle is used to illustrate the movement of goods through the economy's structure of production, it is just as legitimately utilized as a schematic...
Prices and Production, Lecture I: Part I
Published Sun, Feb 15 2009 5:57 AM | laminustacitus
The first lecture of Prices and Production is primarily concerned with the critique of aggregates and contemporary economics, premodern theories of money and interest, the doctrine of forced savings, and the role of the interest rate in respect to keeping...