Apropos Austrian Aphorisms

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I often think how unimaginative statists are. When confronted with an argument against government services, or government itself, statists will at some point respond with a fallacy of a false choice. "Well if the government won't provide X, what...

Posted by thedo | 1 comment(s)

The prescience of Hazlitt
Shortly after the erection of Fannie Mae, and nearly 30 years before that of Freddie Mac and the legislation of the Community Reinvestment Act, Henry Hazlitt was there. The voice of the Austrian school could see it with his refined eye, as only he could...

Posted by thedo | 1 comment(s)

Economics in a job interview
My month-plus-long search for job stability turned onto the final 100m today. For over the past month I have been seeking a full-time position. Finding nothing, I turned to temporary work at a local staffing agency and easily found temp. work. The work...

Posted by thedo | 10 comment(s)