"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" AGW, commons, climate change - TT's Lost in Tokyo

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Luboš Motl 2: The cool-headed overheat; to this "rational" scientist, I'm a freedom-hating hypercommunist Nazi who should be "jailed or executed" by TokyoTom

It looks like Lubos woke up on the wrong side of bed. BELOW is the type of "rational", "dispassionate" response that my previous attempt at discourse with Luboš Motl has earned from that fan of Bret "Mass Neurosis"...

[Update] Another Clear Thinker at Mises warns us about "The vicious lie behind the global warming scare"!!! by TokyoTom

This time it`s David Veksler , with a post on the main LvMI blog , with the title I`ve quoted above. Why is it that so many Mises commentators flee from reason and prefer a fever-pitched focus on strawmen when it comes to addressing environmental issues...

[Update] A left-wing economist discusses "Libertarians and global warming" by TokyoTom

Australian economist John Quiggin (whom I've cited previously on climate change costs) has a post up with this title, both at his own blog and at Crooked Timber . Does anybody care to comment? My own response to John was as follows: John, thanks for...

Climate change damage and property rights: do Lockean principles require Western nations to compensate poorer ones? by TokyoTom

Dedicated libertarian law professor Jonathan Adler and longtime libertarian policy analyst Indur Goklany discuss the above issue at in a Roundtable entitled " Climate Change and Property Rights " hosted by Shikha Dalmia of the Reason Foundation...