"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" ANWR, OCS - TT's Lost in Tokyo

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Breaking the impasse on ANWR and OCS (Part III): WSJ op-ed supports Alaska-style direct pass-through of royalties from oil/gas produced from OCS leases by TokyoTom

Last week the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed by James P. Lucier, Jr ., a managing director of Capital Alpha Partners , LLC, in Washington, D.C. Lucier`s piece describes how Alaska shares its oil revenues with residents, and suggests that John McCain...

Solar vs. deserts; or how "public" ownership of resources produces zero-sum political fights over preferences by TokyoTom

Ron Bailey , Science Correspondent of Reason Online , reported recently "how some environmental groups are fighting the development of utility-scale solar power in the Mojave Desert." As I have posted elsewhere on the role our government plays...

Breaking the senseless impasse on ANWR and OCS exploration and development - a tax and rebate proposal by TokyoTom

It's long been obvious that: (1) government policy concerning the use of public lands is highly bureaucratized, often inept and subject to behind the scenes sweet deals favoring insiders; (2) discussions about how the public lands should be used often...