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Praxeology: reading list

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Inquisitor Posted: Fri, Dec 14 2007 11:47 AM | Locked

It seems some individuals here have little to no knowledge of what the Austrian School actually posits and what it does not, and what its propositions consist in. So, I have compiled this list of essential articles. Before embarking on some 'critique' of the school make sure you understand what we actually argue (especially on methodology; Mises' arguments are extremely intricate.) Those new to the School should begin With Callahan's Economics for Real People, and subsequently Mises' Human Action or Rothbard's Man, Economy and State. I've bolded some of the most important texts.


Mises,  The Epistemological Problems of the Sciences of Human Action

The Ultimate Foundation of the Economic Science

The Epistemological Problems of Economics

Action Within the World 

Time and Praxeology 

Rothbard, In Defence of "Extreme Apriorism"

Praxeology: The Methodology of Austrian Economics 

Breaking out of the Walrasian Box: The cases of Schumpeter and Hansen 

Hoppe, Economic Science and the Austrian Method 

In Defence of Extreme Rationalism 

On certainty and uncertainty, or how rational can our expectations be

Long, Realism and Abstraction in Economics

What the Hell is Praxeology?

Anti-Psychologism in Economics: Wittgenstein and Mises 

Plauche, On Praxeology and the Question of Aristotelean Apriorism 

Leoni and Frola, On Mathematical Thinking in Economics 

van den Hauwe, Keynes and Mises on Probability 

Kirzner, The Economic Point of View 

Robbins, An Essay on the Nature and the Significance of Economic Science 

Hollis and Nell, Rational Economic Man 

Lavoie, From Hollis and Nell to Hollis and Mises 

Stolyarov, Praxeology and Certainty of Knowledge

Doubt the action axiom? Try to disprove it

The compatibility of Hoppe's and Rothbard's views on the action axiom

Blanshard, Reason and Analysis 

Chernikov, The Trouble with David Friedman's 'Rationality' 

Foss, Austrian economics and Game theory 

Crovelli, The Trouble with Axelrod 

Salerno, The General Equilibrium Tradition in Austrian Economics

What is a Causal-Realist Approach? 

Rozeff, What do Austrians mean by "rational"? 

Champion, Austrian Economics as a Popperian Research Programme 

Boettke, What is wrong with Neoclassical Economics (and what is still wrong with Austrian Economics) 

Hulsmann, A Realist Approach to Equilibrium 

Economic Science and Neoclassicism 

Carl Menger: Pioneer of "Empirical Theory"

Huerta de Soto, The ongoing methodenstreit of the Austrian School 

Wutscher, Foundations in Economic Methodologies: The Use of mathematics by mainstream economics and its methodology by Austrian economists 

Selgin, Praxeology and Understanding 

Knott,  Praxeology

Parsons, Money, Time and Rationality in Max Weber

O'Driscoll, The Economics of Time and Ignorance

Cubeddu, The Philosophy of the Austrian School 

Gordon, The Philosophical Origins of Austrian Economics

O'Neill, Radical Subjectivism: Not Radical, Not Subjectivist 

Kinsella, The Other Fields of Praxeology: Games, war, voting and ethics?

Extreme Praxeology

Callahan, Scientism Standing in the Way of Science: An Historical Precedent To Austrian Economics

Boettke, Should the (Austrian) label be abandoned? 

Sen, Rational Fools: A critique of the behavioural foundations of economic theory 



Mises, Prices (see especially parts on price discrimination)

The Law of Marginal Utility 

Menger, Principles of Economics 

Boehm-Bawerk, Basic Principles of Economic Value 

Value, Cost and Marginal Utility 

Karl Marx and the Close of His System 

Hoppe, The Misesian Case Against Keynes 

Rothbard, Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics 

Keynes, The Man 

Harper, An Introduction to Value Theory 

Mahoney, On Austrian Value and Economic Calculation 

Block, Austrian Monopoly Theory: A Critique

Armentano, A Critique of Mainstream and Austrian Monopoly Theory

Bellante, Sticky Wages, Efficiency Wages and Market Processes 

MacKenzie, Mythology of the Minimum Wage 

Minimum Wage Laws: Economics vs Ideology 

Reisman, Platonic Cooperation

Classical Economics Versus the Exploitation Theory 

Poliquin, Mining, Risk and Profit 

Armentano, A politically incorrect guide to anti-trust

Anti-trust: The Case for Repeal

Antitrust and Monopoly: The Anatomy of a Policy Failure

W. Anderson,  Say's Law: Were (are) the critics right?

Vedder, Out of Work 

Garrison, ASAD: A sad development in macroeconomic pedagogy 

Hutt, A Theory of Collective Bargaining 

The Keynesian Episode 

Kirkpatrick, In Defense of Advertising

Kirzner, Competition and Entrepreneurship

The Driving Force of the Market 

The Meaning of Market Process 

Boettke, The Elgar Companion To Austrian Economics

Horwitz, Microfoundations and Macroeconomics: An Austrian Perspective

Spadaro, New Directions in Austrian Economics

Taylor, An Introduction to Austrian Economics (good for newbies)

Keizer, Austrian Economics in Debate 

Endres, Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory: The Founding Austrian Version

Gerken, The Constitution of Liberty in an Open Economy: An Austrian Theory of Foreign Trade

Backhaus, Modern Applications of Austrian Thought (important for those seriously interested in Austrianism)

Foss, Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization 

The Theory of the Firm and its Critics

The Theory of the Firm - the Austrians as precursors and critics of contemporary theory

Holcombe, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 

Yeager, Are Markets Like Language? 

Salerno, The Place of Human Action In The Development of Modern Economic Thought 

The Entrepreneur: Real and Imagined 

Schumpeter, The Theory of Economic Development: An Inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle 

Steele, The Economics of Friedrich Hayek 

Hazlitt,  Economics in One Lesson

The Failure of New Economics 

Fu-Lai Yu, Firms, Strategies and Economic Change: Exploration in Austrian Economics

Dolan, The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics 

Skousen, Dissent On Keynes

Vienna and Chicago

Economic Logic 

Meijer, New Perspectives on Austrian Economics 

Gloria, Evolution of Austrian Economics 

Bellet, Evolution of the Market Process: Austrian and Swedish Economics 

Gordon, An Introduction To Economic Reasoning

Cwik, An Investigation of Inverted Yield Curves and Economic Downturns

DiLorenzo, The Myth of Natural Monopoly

Deere, K. Murphy, and Welch, Sense and Nonsense on the Minimum Wage 

Carden, Profits in a Market Economy 



Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit 

Rothbard, The Austrian Theory of Money 

Wall Street, Banking & American Foreign Policy

What has the government done to our money? 

Austrian Definitions of the Money Supply 

A History of Money and Banking in the US 

Selgin and White, In Defence of Fiduciary Media 

White, Is the Gold Standard Still the Gold Standard among Monetary Systems?

Hoppe, Banking, Nation States and International Politics 

Lewis, Gold - the Once and Future Money 

Huerta de Soto, Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles

A Critical Note on Fractional-Reserve Free Banking 

Anderson, The Value of Money 

The Fallacy of Money Supply 

Shostak, The Myth of Price Stability 

Cochran, Capital, Monetary Calculation and the Trade Cycle

Hazlitt, What you should know about inflation 

W. Anderson, What's wrong with the CPI 

Hullsman, Deflation - the biggest myths

Hoppe, Block and Hullsmann, Against Fiduciary Media 

Steele, Hayek's Money Economy: The Dynamics of Competitive Equilibrium and Socioeconomic Order

Keynes and Hayek: The Money Economy 

Monetarism and the Demise of Keynesian Economics 

North, Money Statistics as Inflation Predictors 

Rockwell, Why Gold?  

Salerno, The "True" Money Supply 



Strigl, Capital and Production  

Hayek, The Pure Theory of Capital 

Individualism and the Economic Order 

Boehm-Bawerk, Capital and Interest

The Positive Theory of Capital 

Garrison, Time and Money 

In Defense of the Misesian Theory of Interest 

Wicksell, Value, Capital and Rent 

Fetter, Capital, Interest and Rent 

Rothbard, Production: The Rate of Interest and its Determination 

Murphy, The Abstinence Theory of Interest 

The Reswitching Question

Some Problems with the Pure Time Preference Theory of Interest 

Stephan, An Introduction into Capital Theory: A neo-Austrian perspective

Skousen, The Structure of Production

Blumen, Hayek on the Paradox of Saving

Mark Skousen, Which Drives the Economy: Consumer Spending or Saving/Investment?

Gordon, Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective (review) 

Gunning, Interest: In Defense of Mises 


Business Cycles 

Rockwell, Business Cycle Primer

Thornton, Skyscrapers and Business Cycles 

Garrison, The Austrian Business Cycle Theory in Light of modern macroeconomics 

New Classical and Old Austrian Economics: Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory in perspective

Rothbard, Why the business cycle happens 

Ebeling, The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle 

Mulligan, An empirical investigation of the ABCT 

Keeler, Empirical evidence of the ABCT 

Stanley, Why don't entrepreneurs outsmart the business cycle? 

Block, Yes, we have no chaff 

Hulsmann,  Toward A General Theory of Error Cycle

Shohl, A Schumpeterian Heterogeneous Agent Model of the Business Cycle

Shostak, Inflation, Deflation and the Future 

Bradley, Don't blame the subprime lenders! 

Van den Hauwe, Credit Expansion, the Prisoner's Dilemma, and Free Banking as Mechanism Design

Sechrest, Evidence regarding the structure of production


Public Goods/Externalities/Privatization: 

Hoppe, Fallacies of Publics Goods Theory and the Production of Security

A four-step healthcare solution

The Economics and Ethics of Private Property 

The Myth of National Defence

Secession, Privatization, and the Prospects of Liberty 

De-Socialization in a United Germany 

Economics of Risk and Insurance 

Rothbard,  How and How to Not Desocialize

Block, Public Goods and Externalities: The Case of Roads  

Bagus, Can Dikes be Private? An argument against public goods 

Fielding, Nonexcludability and the government financing of public goods 

DiLorenzo, Can Governments Function like Markets? 

Rothbard, The Myth of Efficient Government Service 

The Fallacy of the Public Sector 

Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution

Machan, The Commons: Its tragedies and other follies 

Education in a free society 

Liberty and Research: Science Funding in a free society 

Storfner, Can Market Forces Solve Environmental Problems? 

Tabarrok, The Private Provision of Public Goods via dominant assurance contracts

Carnis, New directions in Road Privatization 

Stringham, Anarchy and the Law 

Fedako, Free Riders: Austrian v. Public Choice

Cheung,  The Fable of the Bees Revisited

Beito, Gordon and Tabarrok, The Voluntary City 

McKenzie, Privatopia 

Benson, To Serve and Protect 

Customary law with private means of resolving and dispensing justice 

Carson, Libertarian Property and Privatization 

Cordato, Market-based Environmentalism and the Free Market: They're not the same 

Pennington, Liberty, Markets, and Environmental Values: A Hayekian Defense of Free-Market Environmentalism

Yandle, Grasping for the Heavens: 3D property rights and the global commons 

O'Neill, Solving the "problem" of free riding

Miller, The trouble with government grants 

Vedder, For Profit Schools Are Making a Comeback 

Caplan and Stringham, Privatizing the Adjudication of Disputes

Kirkpatrick, "It's just being turned into a business!" 

Murphy, Private Solutions to Positive Externalities: Military expenditures, insurance and call options 

Chaos Theory 

Goldsmith, Beautiful Chaos 

Guillory, On the viability of subscription patrol and restitution services

Klein, Government did Invent the Internet but the market made it glorious 

Marcus, The Spectrum Should be Private Property

What Keeps Us Safe 

Cowen and Crampton, Market Failure or Success

Higgs, Hazardous to our health?

Against Leviathan 

Carney, The Big Ripoff 

Free-Market Environmentalism Reading List 

Bast, What Hunger Insurance Could Teach Us About Health Insurance 

Peak, Works on Healthcare 

Mitchell and Simmons, Beyond Politics: Markets, Welfare and the Failure of Bureaucracy 


Economic calculation, socialism and interventionism:

Mises, Socialism

Middle of the Road Policy Leads to Socialism

Rothbard, The End of Socialism and the calculation debate revisited 

Karl Marx: Communist as Religious Eschatologist 

Despotism Loves Company: The Story of Roosevelt and Stalin

The Equations of Mathematical Economics and the Problem of Economic Calculation in a Socialist State

Hayek, The Use of Knowledge in Society 

Engineers and Planners 

The Counter-Revolution of Science 

Hoppe, Socialism: A Knowledge or Property Problem? 

A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism 

Boettke, Calculation and Coordination

Socialism: Still impossible after all these years 

Reisman, Why Nazism was Socialism and why Socialism is Totalitarian 

Freedom is slavery: Laissez-Faire Capitalism is Government Intervention: A critique of Carson's Studies In Mutualist Political Economy

Carson, Austrian and Marxist Theories of Monopoly-Capital 

The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand 

Murphy, Sraffa's Production of Fallacies by Means of Fallacies 

Mechanism Design and the Free Market 

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism 

Prante and Hodge, Personalizing the Corporate Income Tax

Higgs, Nineteen Neglect Consequences of Income Redistribution 

Keizer, Two forgotten articles by Ludwig von Mises on the Rationality of Socialist Calculation 

Woods, The Neglected Costs of Warfare

Block, All Government is Excessive

Mackenzie, Institutional Analysis in the Socialist Calculation Debate 

White, Bankruptcy as economic intervention

Swanson, Against a National Broabdand Policy 

Who owns the Internet? 

The Spectrum Swindle 

Asian Tiger or Asian Kitten? 

Fridson, Unwarranted Intrusions 

Bolson, The Myth of the Robber Barons 

Liebowitz, Winners, Losers and Microsoft 

Norberg, In Defense of Global Capitalism 

Birner, Markets, Information and Communication: Austrian Perspectives on the Internet Economy

Foss, Coase vs Hayek: Economic Organization and the Knowledge Economy

Misesian Ownership and Coasian Authority in Hayekian Settings 

Klein, Economic Calculation and the Limits of Organization

Gordon, The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism: A Critical Study (review)

Resurrecting Marx: The analytical Marxists on Freedom, Justice and Exploitation

Pongracic, Austrian Economics and the end of Socialism 

Edmonds, The Corporate Form, Limited Liability, and the State

Westley, Fiscal Follies 

Mateusj, Market Socialism and the Property problem: Different Perspective on Socialist Calculation

Hulsmann, Knowledge, judgment and the use of property 



Sumner, What the Social classes owe to each other 

Hoppe, The Sociology of Taxation 

Democracy - The God that Failed 

Austrian and Marxist Class Analysis 

Grinder and Hagel, Toward a theory of state capitalism

Vedder and Gallaway, The Austrian Market Share in the Marketplace for Ideas 

Sutter, Austrian Economics and the Market Test Re-examined 

DiLorenzo, How Capitalism Saved America 

Cox, The Myths of Rich and Poor 

Hayek, Capitalism and the Historians 

Mackintosh, Exchange vs Power: Toward a Praxeological Reconstruction of Sociology 

Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy 

Woods, The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy 

Rothbard, Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought 

Knott, A Praxeology of Coercion 

Thornton, The "Market" For Academic Research 


Also see the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics

Mises' Suggested Research Topics

Mises Institute

The Austrian Economists 

Mises Institute Media Resources (good for those who don't like or don't have the time for reading)


Critiques and responses: (nearly all critiques here have been responded to; search

Especially see:

Block, On Nozick's 'On Austrian Methodology' (this is heavily based on Sraffa from what I can tell)


Also important are: 

Reisman, Capitalism

Carson, Studies in Mutualist Political Economy

Neither is strictly Austrian, but both works are of some merit to the school. 

Bergstrom and Gidehag, EU vs USA

Rojas, Sweden after the Swedish Model

 It is also a good idea to educate oneself in neoclassical economics. These two works are good places to start:

Ekelund, Economics - Private Markets and Public Choice 

Friedman Jr, Price Theory 

Thomas Sowell also has some good introductory topics on the matter. 

A good idea is to just type 'Austrian Economics' in the Amazon search engine. This will bring up many of the most advanced books on the topic, such as the 'Advances in Austrian Economics' series. A good idea before buying books is to check reviews on, especially Gordon's.




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earlgrey replied on Fri, Dec 14 2007 2:50 PM | Locked

 Thank you, Inquisitor. This will be very helpful in my studies.

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mike barskey replied on Fri, Dec 14 2007 5:39 PM | Locked
Man, that's a lot of reading! :) Can you recommend a good introductory book on Praxeology? I'm a beginner. Anyway, thanks for your effort in compiling such a list!
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Inquisitor replied on Fri, Dec 14 2007 6:12 PM | Locked
No worries. Anyway, yes, Callahan's Economics for Real People is the best introductory book. From there on though the complexity of the material becomes much steeper. If you're proficient in neoclassical economics, go for Man, Economy and State, and if you have a philosophical grounding go for Human Action. Both have study guides to my knowledge, which help greatly.


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leonidia replied on Fri, Dec 14 2007 6:32 PM | Locked

 Thank you for that very comprehensive list. However, as you rightly point out, in order to understand the basics, those not already schooled in Austrian Economics should start by reading Human Action, and especially Man, Economy and State.  If you understand everything in those two books you've probably got about 80% of it IMHO.

However, for someone who already has a good grounding, I think your list will be very useful, and will provide much additional detail. 

I, for one, am looking forward to reading many of those articles.  Thank you.

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leonidia replied on Fri, Dec 14 2007 6:41 PM | Locked

If you're proficient in neoclassical economics, go for Man, Economy and State
Actually, I don't think an intelligent person has to be proficient in anything other than reading to understand MES! That's the great thing about Rothbard. Crystal clear lines of thought, impeccable logic with plenty of examples along the way, and no unnecessary jargon.  In other words, the product of a brilliant mind. You can't go wrong.

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mike barskey replied on Fri, Dec 14 2007 7:05 PM | Locked
Thank you both for your info on praxeology for beginners.
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Grant replied on Sat, Dec 15 2007 12:22 PM | Locked

Popper isn't a specific topic. His statements about falsifiability are basic philosophy of science. If you've done "a lot of reading," you should know this.

And they relate to economics - how? Don't get me wrong, I like Popper. I think he gets a bad rap in many circles. But I don't see how his ideas about falsification in the natural sciences apply to economics, where repeated experimentation is basically impossible. 

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Mark B. replied on Sat, Dec 15 2007 2:23 PM | Locked

I think if you read Human Action and Man, Economy and State <with Power and Market> you are well on your way in the Austrian School.  I would definately recommend Rothbard's various works on the monetary and banking system also.

 I just picked up "The Road to Serfdom" and "The Law" by Bastiat from the library.  Considering that my avatar is Bastiat, would probably be fitting that I read his book. :)


 <quick edit>   "The Road to Serfdom is by Hayek, not Bastiat, didn't want to confuse any newbies by my omitting the name." :)

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Donny with an A replied on Mon, Dec 17 2007 3:56 AM | Locked

Hehe I can't believe you put Storfner's essay on that list.  For shame!

Your list was pretty long, but I figure I might as well contribute some extra items of interest.

Peter Boettke wrote an awesome essay called "What Is Wrong with Neoclassical Economics? (And What is Still Wrong with Austrian Economics)" which should help some people see how the Austrian program contrasts with the more mainstream Neoclassical paradigm.  I definitely recommend checking it out.

More to my speed (and I thought one of the weak points of the above list) is Austrian theory concerning property and public goods.  The part of the debate that I'm informed about revolves around environmental issues, so I won't add to the sources already mentioned in areas like defense, desocialization, and public goods like lighthouses and roads.  For what it's worth, here are some pretty solid essays:

Roy E. Cordato - "Market-Based Environmentalism and the Free Market: They're Not the Same" (be sure to check out Peter J. Hill's excellent response, "Market-Based Environmentalism and the Free Market: Substitutes or Complements?")

Randall G. Holcombe - "Common Property in Anarcho-Capitalism"

Mark Pennington - "Liberty, Markets, and Environmental Values: A Hayekian Defense of Free-Market Environmentalism"

Murray N. Rothbard - "Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution" (Most Austrians point to this essay with deference; I think it shows just how wrong you can go with Menger's framework.  It's a must read for anyone hoping to work near the intersection between Austrian economics and property theory)

It should go without saying that reading these essays wouldn't make one an expert in the issues they address.  It's important to build a foundation with the ideas that have been embraced by the greater philosophical and economic communities, like those of Locke, Marx, Hardin, Coase, Nozick, and others.  So if you don't understand what each of those guys said, start there.  Start playing with Austrian ideas once you can appreciate why they're interesting and different.  Most Austrian work is interesting as a counterpoint to mainstream theories; on their own I tend to think the Austrian frameworks are extremely weak in this area.

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Inquisitor replied on Mon, Dec 17 2007 6:28 AM | Locked

 Danny, thanks for adding those in. I'll put them in the main post later on. The articles on market environmentalism are particularly helpful.


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econ student replied on Wed, Dec 19 2007 2:38 PM | Locked

Mark B.:

 I just picked up "The Road to Serfdom" and "The Law" by Bastiat from the library.  Considering that my avatar is Bastiat, would probably be fitting that I read his book. :)

I'm actually reading the Bastiat Collection right now.  Volume 1 was great.  The second book is a little longer and more difficult.  The book I'm trying to get my hands on is The Society of Tomorrow, by Gustave de Molinari.  Does anybody know where I can purchase this book?  Anybody?!?!? 

I enjoyed The Road to Serfdom.  That was the book that exposed me to the Austrian School.   

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Black Bloke replied on Thu, Dec 20 2007 4:04 AM | Locked
The link for the Boettke work:
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces."—Étienne de la Boétie, Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
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pairunoyd replied on Sun, Dec 23 2007 2:04 PM | Locked

One thing that I think would be useful is if a comprehensive list of books were mailed to the most respected Austrian Economists and they assigned a value to each book based on it's contribution to this school of thought. I think the best method would be for them to give a 1 to the best book, etc. If they gave the books grades like A, B, C, there'd be too much subjectivity, unless you scaled it yourself. In fact, it might be more convenient for them if they did only have to assign a grade or the 1-10 scale and then have you scale them.  Hmmmm. You could then tally the responses and arrange the books in order of import. 

You could complicate things and ask them to vote on other qualities these books might have like, complexity/simplicity, seminal/clarifying, etc. You'd probably be more likely to get a response if you made the process easy. Also, an offer of anonymity might assuage any apprehension or peer pressure. Although this might require them to trust you, unless a process could be developed to ensure it's from the recipient without your knowing which one. But, offering anonymity might CREATE apprehenison by suggesting a reason for apprehension that they themselves would've never considered. (now you know why I'm 'pairunoyd') 

You could complicate it even further and let them add a level of confidence to each of their ratings. Some books they may have read countless times, while others they may not have read every page of and may be grading it less on first-hand knowledge and more on others' opinions or their own assumptions. This is the real world afterall. You MIGHT wish to include a blank area so that each economist can write in books, books that might not be directly related to the Austrian School and provide this info as something extra. I think offering them a choice of 'levels of response' would allow those that wish devote less time to the survey a choice and those more willing can take it to the deepest level. You would of course provide the statistics on levels of response to your readers so that they're properly informed. Smile could create a forum poll. The voters would be required to have a minimum number of posts or some other qualification. They would vote for the people they respect the most on these forums, respect as it relates to their level of understanding/education on the Austrian School. The 'winners' could then participate in the survey. It'd be a quicker turnaround and much less arduous. Of course, you could pursue both of these ideas and satisfy your fellow forum rats in both the long and short-terms. could gather information that's already out there and piece it together as if it were a survey.

Or... Angry

"The best way to bail out the economy is with liberty, not with federal reserve notes." - pairunoyd

"The vision of the Austrian must be greater than the blindness of the sheeple." - pairunoyd

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Doug replied on Tue, Jan 15 2008 8:59 PM | Locked

Inquisitor - nice list.  You have given me enough reading for the rest of my natural life Smile

I'm and engineer by trade - so this is still really new to me.  I'm learning the concepts of Praxeology, and why it is important - but I can't seem to get the concept across simply to anyone else.  "Economics for Real People" is great - but a long book.  I've tried having people read "I, Pencil", or "Seen and not seen..." and Lew Rockwell's "Why Austrian Economics Matters" - with no great success.  Any suggestions for a short piece that is a good way to start the conversation with people?

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Paul replied on Wed, Jan 16 2008 6:51 AM | Locked

Be sure to see - e.g., see 

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Paul replied on Wed, Jan 16 2008 7:12 AM | Locked

Sorry; make that

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Sean_M replied on Sat, Jan 19 2008 4:34 PM | Locked

most people i see recommend hazlitt's "economics in one lesson" or sowell's "basic economics" for a start. what makes callahan's book better?

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Inquisitor replied on Sat, Jan 19 2008 7:36 PM | Locked
Both of those books focus on specific policy issues. They don't really teach you much about economics as a science and certain basic things like price formation and the like. His work does.


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TokyoTom replied on Tue, Feb 19 2008 7:41 AM | Locked

Wow; pretty awesome list!  With that kind of knowledge, I'd certainly appreciate a little more correction and helpful suggestions on the blog. With knowledge comes responsibility.



"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool."

-- Richard Feynman

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Black Bloke replied on Sun, Mar 23 2008 8:59 PM | Locked
For Molinari's book I figure Roderick Long might be able to tell you. But there is an online version of the World of Tomorrow, though Dr. Long doesn't think too highly of the translation:
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces."—Étienne de la Boétie, Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
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