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Mises Community Archive
An online community for fans of Austrian economics and libertarianism, featuring forums, user blogs, and more.


  • Re: Collapse of USSR

    How did the USSR last so long as 70 something years if it was a nightmare of central planning? All other socialistic economies (like Nazi Germany and Cuba) lasted much shorter than that.
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Mon, Mar 21 2011
  • Collapse of USSR

    What caused the Soviet Union to collapse? Give a detailed explanation.
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Mon, Mar 21 2011
  • Re: How to refute this argument

    [quote user="BramElias"] How can you debunk arguments like this? First I think that he is wrong about the definition of socialism, cause the means of production are almost always owned by the state. Secondly, is this an example of the No true Scotsman fallacy? [/quote] Why should it be a no true Scottsman? The problem with this argument is
    Posted to General (Forum) by Atheist on Fri, Feb 4 2011
  • Re: High Prices of Drugs

    [quote user="EmperorNero"] But in the end the answer is that this does happen in a free market. People do give you bad advice and sell you the most expensive product. But still it's more efficient than any alternative. Because central planning is in so many more ways inefficient that it outweighs that. That the free enterprise system is
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Mon, Jan 31 2011
  • Re: High Prices of Drugs

    [quote user="Zizzer"] Well, I don't understand libertarianism the best really but aren't there such people who classify themselves as constitutionalist libertarians? Maybe that would explain leaving the powers to the state. I remember one time he said he did not support the Iraq War too. And not that I don't believe you, but when
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Sat, Jan 29 2011
  • Re: High Prices of Drugs

    HTWW is not a creationist. He does not speak about religion ever but he did bring up the fact in an old video that he wrote some sort of research paper defending the theory of evolution. He is not an Austrian, he does support a central bank like a Federal Reserve. He used to be a liberal when he graduated from college but he turned around after studying
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Sat, Jan 29 2011
  • High Prices of Drugs

    I watched a response by HowTheWorldWorks to a YouTube video about high-drug prices, and how the market based system is not a good method to deal with drug production. I am not really such a big fan of HTWW because he is a conservative, though his economics are pretty good for a conservative. I thought he had a great response:
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Fri, Jan 28 2011
  • Stock Market

    If it is true that the US economy is not doing well and that bailouts have made the problem even worse then why is it that the stock market is doing well. And have been constantly growing for the past few weeks. DOW is up at 11,837. During the economic meltdown the economy been at about 10,000. It rose and it fell (below 10,000). But now it seems to
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Atheist on Tue, Jan 18 2011
  • What is Anarchism?

    I am confused about something. "State" is defined as a monopolistic entity that has the right to initiate force against its citizens, such as in the form of taxation. If that is the definition we use then I am an anti-statist. However, I do believe there ought to be agencies that work for the public. For example, the roads can be taken care
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by Atheist on Tue, Aug 31 2010
  • Literacy Rates before Public Education

    I remember reading somewhere, or hearing somewhere, in fact a few times, that the literacy rates of the people in the US right before public education (early 1900's) was higher than it is today in 2010. Where can I find this statistic? Thank you.
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by Atheist on Mon, Aug 16 2010
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