Free Capitalist Network - Community Archive
Mises Community Archive
An online community for fans of Austrian economics and libertarianism, featuring forums, user blogs, and more.


  • Re: Pinochet and Capitalism?

    The biggest myth behind Pinochet is that he came in with the intention of overthrowing the socialists and imposing free market capitalism. It was a complete coincidence that the Chicago Boys were there after the coup. Pinochet preferred state control. Essentially what happened was he had his little coup, sat around for over a year not knowing what the
    Posted to History (Forum) by Rabble159 on Wed, Apr 29 2009
  • Does anyone have Hayek's (Or anyone's) writings on the industrial revolution?

    I have heard that he did some stuff on the quality of life prior to and during the industrial revolution. Essentially the idea is that the common perception of the industrial revolution as a time of worker exploitation and poor life quality is a myth and that in actuality it was a time of improved life quality and a growing middle class.
    Posted to History (Forum) by Rabble159 on Sat, Mar 14 2009
  • What is your favorite line from any economic/political text? (Quotes are fine too)

    Sorry, don't know if this is the right place to put this. I did a search and didn't find a duplicate topic, so sorry if there is one around somewhere. =/ My personal favorite is Hayek's line at the beginning of The Road to Serfdom : "To the socialists of all parties..." I'm honestly not sure why that quote struck me the way
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Rabble159 on Mon, Feb 9 2009
  • Libertarians are absolutely horrible at influencing people.

    For the purpose of this topic I am including people who consider themselves: -Libertarians -Classical Liberals -Neoliberals -Austrian School followers -Chicago School/Friedman followers Yes I recognize that those titles often heavily overlap and there are some big differences between some of them. (Especially Austrian vs Chicago specifically) Just go
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by Rabble159 on Wed, Feb 4 2009
  • Can someone please explain to me the flaws in the Friedman monetarist model?

    If you want to get to the meat of the question, just skip to the paragraph starting with a bolded letter. I'm sure there are many current Austrians who were influenced by the writings and beliefs of Milton Friedman before arriving at their current place on the economic spectrum. If I had to name one person who has been most influential in moulding
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Rabble159 on Thu, Jan 29 2009
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