Free Capitalist Network - Community Archive
Mises Community Archive
An online community for fans of Austrian economics and libertarianism, featuring forums, user blogs, and more.


  • Republican Establishment Fascism

    The current Republican Party establishment has just proved their fascism during the RNC. While their rhetoric may seem to support limited government, individual responsibility, and "democracy" their actions during the convention prove otherwise. From the New Oxford Dictionary: "Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one
  • RNC: Making a non-unanimous vote unanimous

    The RNC vote for the presidentially nominee was appalling. John McCain received 2000+, Ron Paul 11 votes, Romney 2 votes. The roll call counted the vote as Ron Paul 5 votes, Romney 2 votes. But at the very end, their was a motion made to make the non-unanimous vote unanimous. The motion passed! What's the point of voting if, at the very end a motion
  • Mont Pelerin and The Property and Freedom Socities spearheaded by the Mises Institute has been instrumental in my intellectual growth. I wondered, were there any other organizations (as opposed to just websites/webcontent) with the similar scope of the Mises Institute on Free Markets, Austrian Economics, and libertarianism. I stumbled upon the Mont Pelerin Society , founded by Austrian Economist
  • Austrian Economic Dilettante

    First blog post. I am a toddler when it comes to Austrian Economics and libertarianism. I personally considered myself aligned with the liberal (in the American sense). I was never officially part of the democrats or greens or any other party. I couldn't bring myself to be part of any party. I found libertarianism fascinating, but I couldn't
  • Republican Establishment Fascism

    The current Republican Party establishment has just proved their fascism during the RNC. While their rhetoric may seem to support limited government, individual responsibility, and "democracy" their actions during the convention prove otherwise. From the New Oxford Dictionary: "Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one
  • RNC: Making a non-unanimous vote unanimous

    The RNC vote for the presidentially nominee was appalling. John McCain received 2000+, Ron Paul 11 votes, Romney 2 votes. The roll call counted the vote as Ron Paul 5 votes, Romney 2 votes. But at the very end, their was a motion made to make the non-unanimous vote unanimous. The motion passed! What's the point of voting if, at the very end a motion
  • Mont Pelerin and The Property and Freedom Socities spearheaded by the Mises Institute has been instrumental in my intellectual growth. I wondered, were there any other organizations (as opposed to just websites/webcontent) with the similar scope of the Mises Institute on Free Markets, Austrian Economics, and libertarianism. I stumbled upon the Mont Pelerin Society , founded by Austrian Economist
  • Austrian Economic Dilettante

    First blog post. I am a toddler when it comes to Austrian Economics and libertarianism. I personally considered myself aligned with the liberal (in the American sense). I was never officially part of the democrats or greens or any other party. I couldn't bring myself to be part of any party. I found libertarianism fascinating, but I couldn't
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