
Pro-private property, pro-natural rights, Articles of Confederation>Constitution, anti minimal-statism.

What's with the hostility towards collectivism? Some instances of it are perfectly fine...

Definition of collective: a grouping of individuals.

Definition of collectivism: having to do with a collective.



1. Voluntary collectivism is fine. E.g. being part of a baseball team, joining a hippie-commune, etc.

2. The initiation of coercive collectivism is not OK. E.g. being bound by physical force (or threat thereof) to:

a) join a street-gang; b) fund a government national defense force; etc.

3. Coercive collectivism is OK if used in self-defense. E.g. a group of individuals use physical force to subdue a violent thug.


Remember, precision with terms is very important.