March 2009 - Posts

Tele 2 skriver inte på censur
Fri, Mar 27 2009 4:08 PM

Tele 2 har vägrat förnya samarbetet med polisen.

Det är en trevligt överaskning och frisk vind att ett företag som Tele 2 vägrar skriva på en lista vars utallade syfte är att bekämpa barnporr. Det förefaller som en ganska stor PR-risk man vågar ta att riskera förknippas med att stödja barnporr.

Nu är det såklart inte så att Tele 2 inte vill bekämpa barnporr.

Det gjordes en ganska stor ändring i avtalet som innebär att det nya avtalet även skulle innefatta länkar till barnpornografiskt material.

Detta kan innebära helt absurda konsekvenser som att tex att en bloggare som tar upp censurlistan för diskussion får sin site censurerad och klassas som pedofil. Det skulle också innebära att censurlistan i sig måste censureras....

Det här är inte så orimligt som det låter. I Finland har man haft just det här problemet med att yttranderättskämpar eller folk som undersöker hur vida censureringen är rättsäker har klassats som pedofiler på grund av detta.

Dessutom har Polisen visat att de inte kan hantera censurlistan. De har försökt föra in The Pirate Bay på den, den har också används för att censurera politiska uttalanden samt att censurera laglig men "omoralisk" porr.

Man kan också ifrågasätta hur effektivt det här egentligen kan vara I att begränsa tillgängliheten till barnpornografiskt matieral. Det är väldigt lätt och behövs ingen teknisk kunskap för att tex köpa en av de många VPN tunnel tjänster som erbjuds på nätet och vipps så var man utanför censurfiltret.

Effekten av censurfiltret på att begränsa tillgång till barnpornografi för de som vill se den är troligen väldigt liten.  Nu kan man såklart censurera barnporr oavsett, om någon är det en service för användarna som inte vill se den.

Men det skall inte för den minimala effekt det kan tänkas ha göras till priset av politisk censur och censur av länkar så stå på er Tele 2 och utöka inte censuren!

by hkarnoldson | with no comments
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Earth Hour and the corporations
Fri, Mar 27 2009 4:07 PM

I have noticed more and more private corporations are joining Earth Hour.
I was unable to find a list but I think this should be addressed as there is actually something we can do about this (unlike the many government institutions joining that we are forced to use either way).

If you are the client of some private corporation that support Earth Hour you should write to them and complain. Then look around for alternatives and try not to buy there product in the future.

It's as simple as that. They need to know that this is not the kind of social responsibility that we want them to take and that they can actually loose at least a few clients on it.

On enviromentalism
Thu, Mar 26 2009 4:02 PM

During the past week or so I feel like I have been bombarded with propaganda about environmentalist events. Much of it about the upcoming Earth Hour this Saturday evening.

Personally I will do the opposite during this hour and celebrate human achievement by using as much energy as I possibly can.

"The lights of our cities and monuments are a symbol of human achievement, of what mankind has accomplished in rising from the cave to the skyscraper. Earth Hour presents the disturbing spectacle of people celebrating those lights being extinguished."
These thoughts (found in an article here) are key to what is so disturbing about this event.

The worst-case scenario for man made climate change that have any scientific reasoning behind it states something along the lines that man could, over long periods, slightly affect the climate. In some places it would become better and in some worse but one can not say that it would be destroyed or call this change a disaster of any kind.

There are several problems with environmentalists, for one they are completely lacking in cost-benefit analysis. We take our abundance of energy for granted but I am pretty sure if you think about it you are no way near to be willing to use somewhere close to 80% less energy, this is what they are demanding, only to avoid a possible future cost of some minor climate changes.

One other thing is that they are simply anti-capitalists. The environmentalist movement have had a lot of people joining from earlier communist and socialist movements. They just don't want people to be free, rich and comfortable cause they think stuff like equality is more important then people actually being comfortable and happy.

The environmental scare is a very effective tool to impose restrictions on capitalism.

There are however many other organisations that carry messages just as bad or worse. The difference is that none of those have managed to get this kind of mainstream support for there anti-liberty agenda. Everything from city councils to multi-national banks are joining Earth Hour to extinguish the very light of civilization.

The environmentalist message becomes even worse since it is more or less impervious to rational criticism.
I have managed to get politicians to agree that the argument to abolish the state hold some form of intellectual merit on a philosophical level. When it come to environmentalists I can however not even make them listen to the simplest arguments about the effectiveness of there methods to achieve there own goals.

Things like nuclear power being more environmentally friendly or pointing out how capitalism will drive development towards a less wasteful society.
One can only guess the reason they ignore even arguments like this is because they don't really care about the environment, they just want to destroy capitalism and liberty.

If one was to come with a really radical notion such as claiming that nature might not have any inherent value one will not just be ignored but marched to the stake and burned.

Environmentalism have (along with democracy) become one of the dominant religions of this age. That, I think, is what makes it downright offensive to any rational thinking individual.

We need to keep the light of reason burning. Eventually people will hopefully get fed up with the propaganda and become more susceptible to a different point of view. That will at least make them abandon this foolishness for the next one...

Sat, Mar 21 2009 4:00 PM

Finally darknet has become user friendly.

OneSwarm is a file-sharing protocol designed to transfer information in much the same way as a network of resistance cells. Except it is even better because instead of fixed cells every user have there own "cell" where every member is approved by them.

Through your friends you can connect anonymously with there friends and so forth. No one know where the data comes from or where it is going so this only requires trust in the first layer.

The current OneSwarm client is also fully compatible with bittorrent and can work as a regular bittorrent client as well.

Granted this is based on Azureus which I never liked and sharing large archives is somewhat of a hassle. But finally it is darknet that the everyone can use.
I have not seen any darknet software before that came close to being this easy to configure, and it already have about a million users.

This is great news for everyone that love privacy and freedom of information.

One does not need to be to concerned with the flaws of the current client either, it is still in development and since OneSwarm is open-source there should be easy for someone to write a better client if the protocol gets popular.

by hkarnoldson | with no comments
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APB påstår att de kan knäcka OneSwarm
Sat, Mar 21 2009 3:58 PM

Det har tillslut kommit ett användarvänligt p2p darknet som heter OneSwarm

Henrik Pontén tror han kan knäcka den nya tekniken Antipiratbyrån: Vi kan knäcka ”Oneswarm” (Aftonbladet)

För er som inte förstår hur löjligt det uttalandet är så fungerar informationsöverföring i OneSwarm enkelt beskrivet ungefär som i en motståndsrörelse uppbyggd av celler. Det är om något ännu säkrare eftersom varje individ har sin egen cell där de godkänt alla medlemmar. Så Pontén tror alltså det inte är några problem att knäcka ett system som i sin mest primitiva version lyckats överföra massvis med information under näsorna på världens mest brutala regimer.

Ännu löjligare blir det av att de flesta privata torrent sidorna nästan är helt säkra från anti-pirater fortfarande.

Det verkar också som han tycker internet är bra för deras arbete för nu kan de sitta inne på kontoret hela dagen.

by hkarnoldson | with no comments
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