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The Nail in the Coffin of "The Right"
It is common for many libertarians, especially those in America, to assume that they have a natural alliance with "the right". This is based on certain assumptions, such as the notion that contemporary libertarianism grew out of the old American...
The Anarcho-Statists
For quite some time now, Kevin Carson has critisized what he calls "vulgar libertarianism". Vulgar libertarian is a tendency of some libertarians, particularly those with an affinity for "the right", to function as apologists for currently...
A Left-Rothbardian Approach To "Privatization"
What exactly does it mean to "privatize" a service or industry? As I have argued before , there is a lot of confusion over the precise meaning of the terms "public" and "private" to begin with. The fact that state-controled...
"Private" and "Public" are Misleading Terms
This is a response to the following video: Hello Luke I share your frustration with the definitional chaos surrounding these words. In many ways the meanings typically attached to the terms public and private...