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On Amoralist Anarchism
I've been a part of numerous online social networks or general social groups online that contains some amoralist anarchists, who either are former libertarian anarchists who have come to reject libertarianism or they are anarchists who rejected libertarianism...
More On The Problems Of A Thin Libertarianism
A number of years ago, Walter Block wrote this article , in which he claims, "libertarianism is a theory concerned with the justified use of aggression, or violence, based on property rights, not morality". I find this claim to be incredibly...
Putting The NAP In Its Proper Context
I contend that the non-aggression principle is not a contextless axoim and it requires a specific definition of the difference between genuine self-defense and the initiation of violence. There is a grave problem that thin libertarianism and plumb-line...
"Plumbline Libertarianism" Pro and Con
Those familiar with Walter Block should know that he advocates taking what he calls a "plumbline" approach to libertarianism that is neutral to the left/right scale or dichtomy. At face value, I agree with this if one is refering to the warped...
Objectivism and War
So the other day an Objectivist wrote this gem at their blog: "On this Memorial Day, I would like to honor the three men of the American Civil War who understood the terrible need for total war : President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant...
So I put together some relatively witty definitions of my terms. If you're not offended by at least one of these, then you are awesome! Constitutionalism - The belief that a piece of paper drafted and signed by a tiny aristocracy of men is a legitimate...
The Case For Free Immigration, The Case Against Borders
Immigration is a hot topic these days, particularly for those in the southern and south-western states of America. There has been a rising anti-immigration sentiment, directed specifically at immigrating Mexicans. The public cries out, "Secure the...