
Redestributing the Wealth

Is it fair for George Soros to enjoy the riches of this country while others struggle with putting food on their table? Is it fair for George Clooney to spend long vacations in Italy while a young honor student dies during a Chicago high-school riot?  Well, whenever I'd ask these kind of questions, a friend of mine used to always reply with "The fair is in Columbia, South Carolina".

I am here to set the record straight about the subject of Wealth Redistribution.  I lived for many years in a communist country, where every citizen was supposed to own the wealth of Romania "COLLECTIVELY".  The reality was that not only we had the right to own nothing individually but the president and his powerful elite enjoyed the benefits of collectivism.  There are ramifications to the fact that we were all working for the "right to own collectively".  The simple answer to what were these ramifications lays in a question for you and that is "If you work hard for years and you really don't get to experience the fruit of your labor individually for yourself and your family, what is your incentive to keep on working so hard?"

The answer that you probably have should lead you to understand that communism is like the land of Utopia.  It exists in theory but in real life it's not feasible.  Socialism is the last step before reaching communism.  So, if communism does not exist in real life, what do all those countries that call themselves "communist" are?  They are dictatorships and totalitarian, where a small group - usually the president and the powerful elite behind closed curtains - control all the affairs of the country and the people.

When the Bolsheviks took over Eastern Europe and "fundamentally transformed" it in 1917 they did it with the powerful print media and the money of the powerful elite.  Lots of money were invested by those with a powerful agenda into making the average people believe that the wealth of some would be taken away and redistributed "fairly" to all.  But it never happened the way people thought it would.  And no, I am not an idealist to believe that one day I'll have a neighbor whose name is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates and I'll have him over for the Sunday football cook-out!

Unfortunately we are now seeing history repeating itself.  Are the free people going to allow the same mistake happen all under the ideal concept of "compassion"?  The very wealthy ones have contributed exorbitant amount of money for the president's campaign.  Do you actually believe that anyone, including the president, will dare to touch any of the wealth that helped him become president?  Contrary, these are the folks that are now expecting their pay-back. For example, how come America committed to lending $2 billion to Brazil for off-shore drilling about 3 months ago when only in June - a few months prior - George Soros had invested about 24% of his securities portfolio in the Brazilian company Petrobras, who happens to be the largest oil producer in the Southern hemisphere.  Do you believe this is just a mere coincidence and George Soros was just a lucky guy?

No, my friend, this kind of wealth will not be redistributed the way one might think.  This kind of wealth will increase even more in a regime of "collective ownership" which is the direction our govt. is taking.  So, how will this affect us?  At least two major events will cause the redistribution of our wealth.  Taxation and Inflation.  We'll keep on working hard but we'll contribute more of our income towards the "greatest cause ever" of "collectivism".  Why be selfish trying to keep more money in our pocket when we should be compassionate towards those that live in the projects?  After all, they need it more than we do!

Inflation is another form of spreading equality amongst people.  In a nutshell, all the govt. spending will only increase the deficit.  Unless a miracle happens it's not logical to say that the budget can or will be balanced without a sacrifice.  Printing more currency to pay for the govt.'s insane spending will cause our hard-earned dollar to diminish in value.  With this, our purchasing power decreases causing us and the rest of our neighborhood to drop from the "middle class" level somewhere below.  I know I an not ready to sacrifice my family and lifestyle for the good of collectivity.  Are you?