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  • Wages and libertarianism

    Libertarians assert that in a free market, people tend to get paid their marginal revenue product. This is hilariously silly. How the hell do you even calculate marginal revenue product? And don't give me this "the employers will calculate it" garbage - even if the employers of a given...
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Buzz Killington on Tue, Mar 12 2013
  • Mindless Lip-Service to Capitalism

    I see a lot of these Austrolibertarian capitalists out here praising how wonderful it is that we have modern medicine and life extension. Why? To me, it's absolutely disgusting. The whole reason people want government handing out healthcare is that these technologies allow the weak and frail to continue...
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Buzz Killington on Fri, Mar 8 2013
  • Post-communist Russia?

    An objection to libertarianism that I've come across a few times is that Russia declined after free market reforms. "in the decade after the fall of Communism, as advised by free-market absolutists like Jeffrey Sachs. Russian GDP declined 50% in five years. The elite grabbed the assets they...
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Buzz Killington on Mon, Nov 5 2012
  • Lowering the minimum wage = crazy?

    One free market/libertarian answer to unemployment and poverty is lowering the minimum wage. My question is, how the heck are people supposed to live off a lower minimum wage? The minimum wage is already pretty low, if we lower it to say 3-4 dollars an hour, how is someone supposed to survive off that...
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Buzz Killington on Fri, Sep 7 2012
  • Milton Friedman and his lectures

    They say, that the era that Friedman visited Chile, gave lectures about capitalism and free market in Communist countries, as well. I wonder, how can a Communist goverment which propagandizes its citizens against Capitalism, give permission to someone to talk freely about Capitalism and Free Market?
    Posted to General (Forum) by LandJ on Fri, Aug 10 2012
  • Doesn't Capitalism Do More Harm Than Good?

    I am very confused about where libertarians stand on a lot of issues, mostly thanks to the mainstream media. Can anyone answer my questions? -Isn't a nationalized currency like the dollar necessary to maintain order? Wouldn't competing currencies in the same markets really cause a lot of chaos...
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by Vis4Vendetta on Fri, Aug 10 2012
  • *Best* anarcho-capitalist/voluntaryist books?

    Forgive me if this has already been asked. I searched for this, but all I found was links to very long book lists. While that's appreciated, I would like something a bit more concise. Though I would like to read an entire large book list such as that, there is a time constraint involved here, so...
    Posted to Newbies (Forum) by A Creature Void of Form on Mon, Jul 16 2012
  • Dark Knight Rises: Pro-Capitalist?

    Check out the trailer for the new Batman movie. In it, one of the villains says: "You're all gonna wonder how you could ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us" and it looks like some kind of leftist revolution is taking place. The leaders of the revolution...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Buzz Killington on Mon, Jul 16 2012
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