Free Capitalist Network - Community Archive
Mises Community Archive
An online community for fans of Austrian economics and libertarianism, featuring forums, user blogs, and more.

h.k.'s Favorites

117 Posts
1,935 Points
  • Re: *** October 2012 low content thread ***

    "By saying that, you just reminded me of something I've always wanted to know...why is it that the left has been more hostile to libertarianism then the right?" I think that this is actually a very interesting question, and while I don't...
    by Neodoxy
  • Re: Isn't capitalism exploitative and unfair?

    The capitalist is not paid at the point of production. They are paid at the point of sale, if the item sells. The laborer demands to be paid daily/weekly, the capitalist may not see the return on that individuals labor until months/years after the production...
  • Re: minimum wage is good and necessary

    Basically the corporations just exploit them and there should be regulation in place to keep the conditions and pay fair. How do the corporations exploit people. Can you be more descriptive? Im not understanding. If youre hinting at the capitalist paying...
  • Re: Minimum wage is necessary to prevent the Iron Law of Wages

    No. First ALL HUMANS, not just some arbitrary subset called capitalists, want to achieve their ends with the least use of scarce resources. The differece here being profit. They therefore hope to pay as little as possible for those resources which sometimes...
    by Bogart
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