"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" Knappenberger - TT's Lost in Tokyo

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Confirmation bias, rent-seeking and the rush to print the latest climate science "scoop" (Lindzen-Choi) by TokyoTom

Since I`m in Tokyo and deprived of Bob Murphy `s enviable access, via talk radio , to cutting-edge climate science, I thank him using his blog to bring it to the attention of his audience (which occasionally includes me). Says Bob (emphasis added): Chip...

Duelling climate policy parables: in the face of RealClimate`s "tragedy of the commons", MasterResource`s Emperor has no clothes by TokyoTom

I`ve done a bit of blogging over the past few weeks regarding the "The tragedy of climate commons" post by climate scientist Gavin Schmidt and ensuing discussion at the RealClimate website. Schmidt wrote the post in response to the implied suggestion...

Strange but true: in the context of climate & fisheries, enviros discuss property rights, cooperation and the tragedy of the commons by TokyoTom

Here , in the belly of the Beast - the " RealClimate" blog by climate scientists. Anybody wanna chip in? So far, comments by yours truly are as follows: 134. TokyoTom Says: 8 May 2009 at 11:56 AM Gavin, thanks for a thoughtful post that I hope...

[Update] Rot at the Core: Rob Bradley at "free market" MasterResource blog shows his true colors as a rent-seeker for fossil fuels by TokyoTom

[Update: I`ve added more background on Exxon, "Malthusians" and productive engagement.] How has Rob Bradley showed his hand? By shutting down reasoned (if challenging) debate at his blog, in the face of comments that were certainly more "free...

Chris Horner/CEI: Confused or alarmist on Kuznets, China and climate? by TokyoTom

The right-wing Business & Media Institute has published a rather confused piece by Chris Horner , senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute , in which Horner, while noting China's progress along the environmental Kuznets curve (as...

Pat Michaels - scientist AND paid advocate. Correspondence with Chip Knappenberger by TokyoTom

In an earlier blog post - " WHY Pat Michaels says "The Antarctic Ain't Cooperating " - I raised questions about the objectives and role of Pat Michaels in the political debate about climate change and climate change-related policy,...