Monty Pelerin's World

Economics, Finance and Politics Through The Prism of Classical Liberalism

Healthcare Deform

Healthcare Deform

I received the following email from a friend. I don’t know the doctor but thought his take on the new healthcare reform was worthwhile. His predictions seem reasonable to one not in the medical profession.

I am not inclined to pass along each and every message received over the internet.  This one is for real and from a long-standing friend of mine, Lee Waller. He is also a friend and acquaintance of many of those receiving tis message.   Lee, in turn,  is a friend of Dr. Salvatore Moscatello, who is a Gastroenterologist in Charleston, S. C.  The predictions do not speak well for our healthcare going forward.  It is unfortunate that we will lose a professional like Dr. Sal, an individual who not only is held in high regard by those in the medical field, but one who contributes substantially to other humanitarian causes, civic and social endeavors.

Just thought I would pass this mail on.  Sal has been my neighbor for the last 14 years and I know him to be an honest person.  I realize everyone may not agree with him….but unless you happen to be a Dr. in Private practice I suspect he has more knowledge of the subject than you or I do.  In any event I wanted to pass this  analysis on……..everyone will have to decide for himself/herself if our country now has agood deal or not.

Subject: healthcare predictions

Hello Everyone-

Well, the the initial firestorm about the Healthcare Bill Has been extinguished. Now, the ashes must be cleared and a road forward constructed. In
this debate, there was little, if any, substative contributions from REAL practicing physicians as to the merits of this grand plan and how it would
effect the day-to-day doctor patient relationship that has been the bedrock of medical practice from ancient times(Hippocrates).  These 10 predictions
are from me to help you understand where we will be once Mr. Obama leaves office in Jan. 2017(an 11th prediction!!) in the healthcare marketplace
right here in America at that time-
1. up to 200,000 physicians will quit or retire. the average age of the practicing physician in America is 49. Each one of these doctors will take 4 jobs w. them.  The New England Journal of Medicine(liberal as it comes in medicine) actually predicted 250,000 doctors leaving. Well, you do the numbers. I will be one for sure.
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