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  • HELP! I'm debating a socialist on property rights!

    I am debating a communist friend of mine on property rights. I explained to him in very general terms the libertarian theory of property rights. I basically said that each individual inherently owns himself, his faculties, and his actions. Therefore, each individual has a right acquire property previously...
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by chuckduck764 on Thu, Nov 8 2012
  • Should property rights expire?

    What are some of your best arguments to show mutualists that property rights shouldn't be lost without use? If someone uses a patch of land for farming, homesteading it as his, but doesn't use it after that, can it still be considered his? When do you considered something as abandoned, and up...
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by The One Freeman on Tue, Nov 6 2012
  • Property Rights, Locke, and Homesteading

    I was having a discussion with someone today, and he presented me with an interesting hypothetical: imagine that I'm a fellow castaway on a desert island. And I happen to wash up on the side of the island that has the only source of clean water. I work to clear some branches away and claim the clean...
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by RSDavis on Sat, Aug 18 2012
  • Western vs Chinese education system

    I was talking to some Chinese friends today, friends with no education in economics, and asked them whether they needed planning permission from the local authorities for building on their property. They said they do, to which I responded that we also do in my country (Australia), and they were shocked...
    Posted to Political Theory (Forum) by MadMiser on Sun, Aug 12 2012
  • Re: Rightfully Stolen Property

    No, this is not at all what it means. Look, I don't really want to keep going in circles about this. There are not specific Native Americans making claims about specific plots of land. They are making general claims about general areas. As I said (and you didn't quote this section for some reason...
    Posted to Economics Questions (Forum) by Torsten on Wed, Jul 11 2012
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