Ron Morley's Freedom Blog

This is the place where I do my little bit to explain the evils of the State.

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Why the Delay?
President Obama, after spending the better part of the last month insisting that his so-called economic stimulus package be passed immediately (maintaining that failure to do so would spell utter ruin for the country), is going to wait until tomorrow...
War crimes and economic policies
The following is essentially the text of an email that I recently sent to a friend who'd asked me if I thought that senior members of the former Bush regime should be prosecuted for war crimes because of the use of torture as an instrument of national...
Thomas Jefferson, the nature of the State, and President Obama
I got an email today from an old friend asking whether the signature line of an email which I'd sent him was really something that which Thomas Jefferson had written. What follows is more-or-less my response to him (slightly edited to leave out personal...
Why the State Loves Keynesian Economics, continued
As a result of my last entry here some people have commented that my statement, “ matter how it is sugar-coated, the policies of John Maynard Keynes are essentially ways of increasing the power of the central government at the expense of individual...
Why the State Loves Keynseian Economics
In this time of economic turmoil it seems as though the majority of economists have become disciples of John Maynard Keynes. Turn on virtually any news broadcast covering the financial crisis which the State's economic mismanagement has thrust upon...