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Killing People and Breaking Things
It would be foolish to assume that just because a product or a need for a service exists, that any entity can do it well. For instance, you wouldn't get a company that specialized in demolition to build your house. Nor would you contract with an exterminator...
How To Make A Racist
I raised my children to be colorblind. I took no pride in doing so other than the pride I took in teaching them to walk and eat. In fact, you don't teach colorblindness. You teach racism. At the appropriate age, I sent my children to school. There...
It's Because I'm Black!
My wife is a school teacher. She teaches physics and chemisty to kids a lot bigger than she. The school she works in is a bit different than a normal school. It is called a "Technology High School" and is open to any student in the city - if...
The Single-Payer / Public-Option Lie
The old joke goes something like this: How can you tell a politician is lying? Easy. His lips are moving. While elected officials have contributed mightily to our perception of their honesty they are not entirely responsible for their reputation. Having...
The Economy of Scale: Why European-style Health Care CAN'T Work in America
Dinosaurs were big. They were the largest land creatures to ever walk the Earth. The largest were nearly a hundred feet long. But as large as they were there is a good reason they didn't get any bigger. In fact, there is an absolute limit to the size...
How To Pay For Healthcare - The Wrong Question
I suppose that in a perfect world everyone would have access to healthcare. Well, then I guess the United States is as close to perfect as anywhere because everyone here has access to healthcare. Just like anyone can buy a car, buy a home, or buy clothes...