"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" June 2008 - Posts - TT's Lost in Tokyo

June 2008 - Posts


Lomborg's brilliant climate plan: leave GHG externalities alone and let governments spend 0.05% of GDP on picking winning low-carb technologies! by TokyoTom

The folly practically speaks for itself . Why does Bjorn Lomborg think that governments can better determine worthy investments than private firms? And that such investments should be borne by ordinary taxpayers rather than those who are generating the...

Peabody Coal is VERY concerned about how Jim Hansen is "cheapening the dialogue" by TokyoTom

In response to Jim Hansen's recent expressed desire for "public trials" for fossil fuel executives if, despite being "aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual," they continue their "campaigns" "to...

Why top demagogues (Jim Hansen, Florida Power, RAND, Exxon, AEI, Margo Thorning, major economists, George Will) prefer rebated carbon taxes by TokyoTom

[Note to first-time readers: the title is tongue-in-cheek.] I have previously blogged on libertarian, non-state approaches to climate change ; allow me to use this post to pull together for diligent readers various recent sources of opinion and information...

Jim Hansen warns of slow-motion disaster and welcomes future public trials of fossil fuel CEOs for buying government delay by TokyoTom

Prominent climatologist Dr. James Hansen , Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Adjunct Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, who has long been warning of the long-term consequences of man's...

[Update] Another Clear Thinker at Mises warns us about "The vicious lie behind the global warming scare"!!! by TokyoTom

This time it`s David Veksler , with a post on the main LvMI blog , with the title I`ve quoted above. Why is it that so many Mises commentators flee from reason and prefer a fever-pitched focus on strawmen when it comes to addressing environmental issues...

George Will on why a carbon tax is much preferable to cap and trade by TokyoTom

The Warner-Lieberman bill has been withdrawn for consideration by Congress this year - and thank goodness. Why do I say that? A few weeks ago George Will published a column that explains very clearly why we are fortunate that this bill has been put on...

Good stuff: Ron Bailey, Fred Smith and Lynne Kiesling debate climate change policy at Reason.org by TokyoTom

I highly recommend that readers view the debate (or the transcript) between the above participants that Reason held last October but has just given renewed prominence at Reasononline and in their July 2008 print edition. Ron Bailey is the Science Correspondent...

More on deliberate cooling via geo-engineering by TokyoTom

See Ron Bailey's recent summary of developments about whether it may be possible to buy time on climate change with technological fixes. Libertarian Iain Murray supports government funding of geo-engineering approaches. See my previous posts for more...

GAO releases report summarizing views of leading economists on climate change policy by TokyoTom

At the request of Congress, the General Accounting Office has prepared and recently publicly released a report, " Expert Opinion on Economics of Policy Options to Address Climate Change ," which summarizes the views of leading climate change...

[Update] A left-wing economist discusses "Libertarians and global warming" by TokyoTom

Australian economist John Quiggin (whom I've cited previously on climate change costs) has a post up with this title, both at his own blog and at Crooked Timber . Does anybody care to comment? My own response to John was as follows: John, thanks for...

[Update: Comments added] Iain Murray: Another libertarian makes climate policy proposals! by TokyoTom

Thank goodness! Another libertarian/conservative (see my previous posts on Bruce Yandle and Gene Callahan , and see Jon Adler`s 2000 piece ) wants to seize the day and promote useful policies in the face of popular/legislative concerns over climate change...

Destroying the salmon; the socialized commons and climate change by TokyoTom

More later . We need to go back to the past .

T. Boone Pickens accelerates the tragedy of the Western water commons - by connecting thirsty markets to unowned, common-pool resources by TokyoTom

The latest Business W eek magazine sports the headline, "Is Water the New Oil?" and a caricature of T. Boone Pickens . The cover story -" There Will Be Water: T. Boone Pickens thinks water is the new oil—and he's betting $100...

Climate change damage and property rights: do Lockean principles require Western nations to compensate poorer ones? by TokyoTom

Dedicated libertarian law professor Jonathan Adler and longtime libertarian policy analyst Indur Goklany discuss the above issue at in a Roundtable entitled " Climate Change and Property Rights " hosted by Shikha Dalmia of the Reason Foundation...

[Updated] Bob Murphy heroically nitpicks the CBA model of reluctant carbon tax advocate, William Nordhaus by TokyoTom

Bob Murphy , an economist at Rob Bradley 's Institute for Energy Research , has posted on the main Mises Blog a link to a paper that he has submitted to an economic journal, " Rolling the DICE: Nordhaus' Dubious Case for a Carbon Tax "...
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