"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" February 2011 - Posts - TT's Lost in Tokyo

February 2011 - Posts


Strange Days, Indeed: While leading Austrians feel sorry for megacorps & pretend limited liability is inconsequential, Harvard Bus. Review calls for "Rethinking Capitalism" by TokyoTom

Readers may recall my ongoing criticisms of Lew Rockwell , Stephan Kinsella and many others over their sympathy for and defense of statist mega-corporations like BP , their preference for confused attacks on "abstractions" like "the environment"...

More dialogue on "Rethinking IP": does property arise because it helps people in societies to solve problems, or because thinkers come up with "principles"? by TokyoTom

Further to my previous post ( Rethinking "Rethinking IP", or, if we step away from statism, will societies not find ways to protect ideas? ), allow me to note here some conversations from the comment thread to Stephan Kinsella 's Rethinking...

Welcome to Rancho Mirage: Why, when we need John Galt, do we end up with the rent-seeking Koch brothers, who are 'now at the heart of GOP power'? by TokyoTom

I can understand the desire to protect one's business from new government carbon mandates and from noxious new regulations over all derivatives hedging purposes (seriously I can understand it, even as many on the left now harbor deep suspicions of...

Rethinking "Rethinking IP", or, if we step away from statism, will societies not find ways to protect ideas? by TokyoTom

Stephan Kinsella has another post up at the Mises Daily on " Rethinking IP "; while I share Stephan's mission of ending state-sponsored IP - which has morphed into gross corporate-statist corruption, oppression and profound waste - as usual...

Marc Faber has only harsh words about dishonesty by Obama, Bernanke and elites at Davos by TokyoTom

Prostities, liars, fraud, abuse .... but nice - and absurd - words about George Bush. See http://www.zerohedge.com/article/marc-fabers-most-provocative-interview-ever-compares-obama-prostitute-goes-long-treasurys . YouTube clip here:

A liberal's take: Obamacare shows government "is totally corrupted by corporate and other special interests" by TokyoTom

Here's another post of the quoted title by Joel Hirschhorn that I thought worthy of your attenton (emphasis mine): Everything wrong, rotten and evil with the political system surfaces in the current health care reform bills in the Senate and House...

An honest view of the rotted State of the Union: "Egyptians Ready, Americans Unready" by TokyoTom

Joel Hirschhorn , author of a clear-sighted post of the above title , gave me permission to cross-post it here. More about Hirschhorn, an evil lefty enviro technocrat professorial egghead type who is the Chair of the Independent Party of Maryland and...

More curious blindness to corporate statism, or, fun with Bob Murphy's paid energy/enviro policy posts by TokyoTom

I like Bob Murphy , and think he's doing very important work in fighting nonsense from the Fed and from Keynesians. But I am deeply disappointed with his ongoing shallow, partisan and decidedly non-libertarian work that he does for pay for the fossil...

Times are a-changin'?! 'The American Conservative' runs Sheldon Richman's sympathetic view of the "Libertarian Left" by TokyoTom

Wow -- The American Conservative is now running a sympathetic overview by Sheldon Richman on the " Libertarian Left " (subheading, Free-market anti-capitalism, the unknown ideal ). Have conservatives lost their senses, or have they come to realize...

LVMI's curious blindness to corporate statism and the rot caused by limited liability, or, Jeffrey Tucker has fun with central planning by TokyoTom

Jeffrey Tucker 's February 9 Mises Daily post, Obama on Auto-Defrosting Refrigerators , is perfectly fine and unobjectionable (quibbles aside about Jeffrey's startling misunderstanding of Obama's claims regarding the entirely voluntary EnergyStar...

George Carlin was correctly cynical about 'the American Dream', but are our elites monolithic? by TokyoTom

I recently ran across (again) the below clip by our now deceased comedian cum truth-teller, George Carlin . While he offers some refreshingly bitter criticism, Carlin is too simplistic and too black, and offers no particular avenues by which informed...

BBC's naive 'Meet the Climate Sceptics' ignores that our governments today richly deserve the mistrust that makes collective action impossible by TokyoTom

In the not-unsympathetic hour-long presentation that BBC broadcast on January 31 (after surviving a legal challenge ), climate 'skeptic' Christopher Monckton (the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley) says something about climate science that I can...

YouTube: Bank Bailouts Explained: the Sick Joke is on You (Thanks to Government-enabled Moral Hazard and Kleptocracy) by TokyoTom

I ran across this today and thought that you, my loyal readers, might like it too. My favorite piece of dialogue: A: Do these people have no shame? B: When you constantly get the bailouts, you don't care about the shame. Just a small example of how...

Resources on gold, fractional reserve banking, money manipulation/inflation, central planning and kleptocracy by TokyoTom

This is a modest start; more suggestions appreciated! Jacques Rueff , “ The Monetary Sin of the West ”, 1972 The Origin of Money and Its Value , Mises Daily: Monday, September 29, 2003 by Robert P. Murphy Can Gold Cause the Boom-Bust Cycle...