"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" Welcome to Rancho Mirage: Why, when we need John Galt, do we end up with the rent-seeking Koch brothers, who are 'now at the heart of GOP power'? - TT's Lost in Tokyo

Welcome to Rancho Mirage: Why, when we need John Galt, do we end up with the rent-seeking Koch brothers, who are 'now at the heart of GOP power'?

I can understand the desire to protect one's business from new government carbon mandates and from noxious new regulations over all derivatives hedging purposes (seriously I can understand it, even as many on the left now harbor deep suspicions of business), but doesn't buying control over government through the GOP kind of cut against the libertarian, free-markets message?

Koch Brothers Roundup (major news reporting on Rancho Mirage gathering)

Why can't our supposedly adamantly libertarian billionaire Koch brothers put their money where their ideals are, say by establishing partnerships and other organizations that DON'T require government-granted legal entity/ limited liability privileges? (Simply creating obstensibly libertarian pressure groups like Cato that refuse to criticise corporate statism doesn't count.)

Where are our leading libertarians who are forming:

It's not as if government:

(I feel increasingly grateful for the individuals who so generously devote their time and resources to LvMI! Jeffrey Tucker, are we trumpeting our own funders loudly enough? They deserve our thanks AND patronage!)

The Middle East gets its popular revolts, but we just have more elites stirring up and hiding behind decidedly partisan animosity (hello, George Soros!). Alas, our tribal nature makes it difficult for us to perceive our real enemies, and inclines us to internecine warfare over the wheel of government to the hard work of building community.

For those of you who haven't seen it, the LA Times February 6 article Koch brothers now at heart of GOP power is worth a gander and some pondering -- and just a start at looking at billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch. Useful charts on vote-buying by the Kochs are here and here. I'm not an opponent of any industry, per se, or of the Tea Party movement, but there's far too much uncomfortable truth to the Left's criticsms of the Kochs. Why can't they publicly criticize government and corporate rent-seeking, or work publicly to build community? The secrecy itself is poisoning the cause they profess to believe in (see more links below).

See Jane Mayer’s New Yorker piece, Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.

Koch Billionaire Bros. and Wealthy Meet to Usurp Democracy, Greenpeace Sends Message, others Arrested

 Uncloaking the Koch Brothers Trillion & Billionaire Oil Regime


Published Mon, Feb 21 2011 1:43 PM by TokyoTom


# Charles Koch in Wall Street Journal is absolutely right about 'crony capitalism'. So why is he buying political influence?

Saturday, March 5, 2011 7:31 AM by TT's Lost in Tokyo

I really liked Charles Koch 's March 1 editorial in the Wall Street Journal . But why won't he