"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" September 2010 - Posts - TT's Lost in Tokyo

September 2010 - Posts


Limited Liability, Part 4: Libertarians sidestep the gift of limited liability & the resulting wreckage by arguing it's now unfair to make irresponsible shareholders liable by TokyoTom

More follow-up comments regarding on limited liability, excerpted from the comment thread to Geoffrey Allan Plauche 's post, " Ecofascism in the Name of Fending Off Ecofascism ". Here is my first post , second post and third post . TokyoTom...

Limited Liability, Part 3: limited liability for torts is a non-libertarian gift from the state that has done tremendous damage - both literally and in driving the growth of a massive regulatory state by TokyoTom

More follow-up comments regarding on limited liability excerpted from the comment thread to Geoffrey Allan Plauche 's post, " Ecofascism in the Name of Fending Off Ecofascism ". Here is my first post and second post . Jon Leckie September...

Limited liability, Part 2: Is limited liability for torts a simple codification of what companies and their counterparties could agree to voluntarily? by TokyoTom

The comments regarding on limited liability at Geoffrey Allan Plauche 's post, " Ecofascism in the Name of Fending Off Ecofascism " - which I've been copying to an earlier post in relevant part - have been running long, so to improve...

Nice short clip by CEI's RJ Smith, explaining government's role in the destructive exploitation of wildlife resources by TokyoTom

I attach for the benefit of readers a short video explaining the "Tragedy of the Commons" by author and environmental historian Robert J. Smith , founder and director of the Center for Private Conservation (a former CEI project), an adjunct...

OMG - those ecofascists hate statist corps, too, and even want to - GASP - end that oh-so-libertarian state grant of limited liability! by TokyoTom

Such is the tone of a deep, searching piece on the Mises Economic Blog by budding philosopher Geoffrey Allan Plauche , " Ecofascism in the Name of Fending Off Ecofascism ". Sometimes I scratch my head at why, when enviros in panicked tones cast...

A public service announcement from Oath Keepers: Is "Constitution Day" a Celebration, Or a Memorial? by TokyoTom

I received the attached in my email inbox from Oathkeepers.org; I have modified the format, but not altered any of the text. I consider it thoughtful and well worth reading - though Stewart Rhodes fails to mention the how statist corporations have led...