"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" AGW, cognition, Lubos Motl, climate change - TT's Lost in Tokyo

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Luboš Motl 3: This lover of freedom and hater of irrationality can`t stand discourse and fantasizes about elimination by TokyoTom

I`m disappointed that my attempts at discourse with Lubos Motl have blown up. Lubos, a Czech physicist/climate science blogger who responded to my post on Bret Stephens` exegesis in the WSJ of the psychology of the cult-like "belief" by the...

Luboš Motl 2: The cool-headed overheat; to this "rational" scientist, I'm a freedom-hating hypercommunist Nazi who should be "jailed or executed" by TokyoTom

It looks like Lubos woke up on the wrong side of bed. BELOW is the type of "rational", "dispassionate" response that my previous attempt at discourse with Luboš Motl has earned from that fan of Bret "Mass Neurosis"...

Luboš Motl 4: His considered plan to eliminate enviros: they should be treated like N*zis, so it may be necessary to kill millions (less if we get started soon!) by TokyoTom

As noted on the prior thread , in a recent blog post, scientist Lubos Motl concluded that there " literally pandemics " of people writing stuff on global warming, and that is "simply ... no other help for the people who are writing most...

[Update] Mind Games: Bret Stephens of The Wall Street Journal panders to "skeptics" by abjuring science and declaring himself an expert on "mass neurosis" by TokyoTom

[Update: For an ongoing case study of the startling irrationality and "sick souls" of some of the "skeptics", see my related discussions with the physicist Lubos Motl: [Update] Mind Games/Luboš Motl: how an absence of functioning...