"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" Murphy - TT's Lost in Tokyo

The Road Not Taken V: Libertarian hatred of misanthropic "watermelons" and the productive love of aloof ad-homs by TokyoTom

I copy below a comment I just left at Stephan Kinsella `s post on the main LvMI Blog, " Physicist Howard Hayden's one-letter disproof of global warming claims ", which I have discussed here in several preceeding posts . TokyoTom Published...

More from Gene Callahan: do perceptions of "moral truths" make them objectively real, apart from those who perceive them (instead of evolved hard-wiring to cooperate)? by TokyoTom

It has come to my attention that Gene Callahan has responded to my remarks regarding "objective moral truths" that I noted here . Rather than continuing the long threadjack of an unrelated post by Bob Murphy (on climate change science), I copy...

Consensus on my brain: Murphy on "Orwellian" consensus, Callahan's consensus on "objective" moral truths, & consensus among neurons by TokyoTom

A recent post by the prolifically productive Bob Murphy , " A Quick Note from Baltimore ", provides an opportunity for further thoughts on my continuing effort to puzzle out what Bob and Gene Callahan mean by their insistence that there is an...

Callahan finally speaks: but are external, "objective moral truths" needed for a community to enforce shared rules? by TokyoTom

[Well, the Mises server just swallowed my first attempt at this post, so the reader will just have to suffer this sketchier one.] I have been chasing both Gene Callahan and Bob Murphy to try to get them to spell out what they mean when they assert that...