"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" bush - TT's Lost in Tokyo

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Frank Rich: Blagojevich is small fish to the culture of corruption that Bush represents by TokyoTom

Further to my prior post on the early arrival of Fitzmas for Illinois governor Ron Blagojevich , Frank Rich writes that Blagojevich is small fish to the culture of corruption that Pres. Bush has led . I agree that they are of like kind, but entirely different...

Greased by Telecom $$$, Obama & spineless Dems act with Republicans to shred the 4th Amendment and to play dumb to and sanction illegal domestic spying by Bush and Telecoms by TokyoTom

More by Glenn Greenwald . Obama shows his true colors regarding his supposed desire for change, transparency and rule of law. As likely future Spy-in-Chief, why would he be interested in anything that might limit his own power? In the 70s, Nixon was impeached...

Haters of science? The Bush administration sounds the alarm, "climate change is coming ... and is here!" by TokyoTom

Climate change, largely due to human activities, is currently underway, with more very serious - and largely unstoppable changes - expected in the next 25 years, and landowners, communities, farmers, businesses, communities and state and local government...

NBC castigated for kowtowing insufficiently to the Propagandist-in-Chief by TokyoTom

A rather extraordinary series of public communications directed from the White House towards NBC News by Ed Gillespie - long-time lobbyist, "communications" specialist and former director of the Republican National Committee and now chief replacement...

Frank Zappa: Slime is the tool of the Government (and of modern politics) by TokyoTom

[I ran this originally as a "page" rather than as a "post", when I had simply put up Zappa`s lyrics. Since "posts" might be more visible to visitors I`ve decided to post this as well.] I ran across some interesting and topical...

Frank Zappa: Slime is the tool of the Government (and of Republicans and Hillary?) by TokyoTom

I ran across some interesting and topical Frank Zappa lyrics the other day, so I`m putting them up here. Does these resonate with anyone else? I have noted a few thoughts further below. I'm The Slime I am gross and perverted I'm obsessed 'n...

Bush announces bold inaction on climate change by TokyoTom

As I noted in my April 15 post, http://mises.org/Community/blogs/tokyotom/archive/2008/04/15/bush-hoist-by-own-petard-prepares-global-warming-initiative.aspx , President Bush has indeed just made a specific policy statement on climate change . There is...
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Bush - hoist by own petard - prepares global warming initiative by TokyoTom

More at the Washington Times: http://washingtontimes.com/article/20080414/NATION/676175489/1001 And at the Wall Street Journal's enviro blog: http://blogs.wsj.com/environmentalcapital/2008/04/14/green-bush-white-house-to-push-climate-package/?mod...
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Reducing CO2 vs. expanding energy needs by TokyoTom

Ron Bailey of Reason , reporting from Bali, has an interesting post up summarizing the discussion by James Connaughton, director of President Bush's Council on Environmental Quality, on one small aspect of the climate conundrum, namely, what would...
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Francis Fukuyama hates America, by TokyoTom

and is now fervently praying that the Lilliputians tie down Gulliver, NOW. His latest post concludes: "America’s founding fathers were motivated by a similar belief that unchecked power, even when democratically legitimated, could be dangerous, which...
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