"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys; he may look dumb but that's just a disguise; he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage." Charlie Daniels, "Uneasy Rider" Resources on Elinor Ostrom - TT's Lost in Tokyo

Resources on Elinor Ostrom

[Note: This is a work in progress]

Elinor Ostrom is the guru of CPR regimes; anyone interested should look into her fascinating and highly-regarded work, particularly her seminal and extensively researched Governing the Commons (1990). Here is a review.

A profile of Ostrom, who is a member of the National Academies of Science and and Editor of its Proceedings, is here: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1748208

Her work can be found here: http://scholar.google.co.jp/scholar?q=Ostrom,+Elinor&hl=en&btnG=Search

here: http://de.scientificcommons.org/elinor_ostrom

and here: http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/browse?value=Ostrom%2C+Elinor&type=author

[She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and a recipient of a number of prestigious awards. Her other books include Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources (1994); The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptations (2003); The Samaritan’s Dilemma: The Political Economy of Development Aid (2005); Understanding Institutional Diversity (2005); and Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: From Theory to Practice (2007).]

Here is one link to get readers started: 

Elinor Ostrom et al., Revisiting the Commons: Local Lessons, Global Challenges, Science 9 April 1999: http://conservationcommons.org/media/document/docu-wyycyz.pdf

Here is one general bibliography on commons research: http://www.indiana.edu/~workshop/wsl/tragedy.htm

1.  Here are the statements from the 2009 Nobel Prize committee:

a.  From the press release:

Elinor Ostrom has demonstrated how common property can be successfully managed by user associations. Oliver Williamson has developed a theory where business firms serve as structures for conflict resolution. Over the last three decades these seminal contributions have advanced economic governance research from the fringe to the forefront of scientific attention.

Economic transactions take place not only in markets, but also within firms, associations, households, and agencies. Whereas economic theory has comprehensively illuminated the virtues and limitations of markets, it has traditionally paid less attention to other institutional arrangements. The research of Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson demonstrates that economic analysis can shed light on most forms of social organization.

Elinor Ostrom has challenged the conventional wisdom that common property is poorly managed and should be either regulated by central authorities or privatized. Based on numerous studies of user-managed fish stocks, pastures, woods, lakes, and groundwater basins, Ostrom concludes that the outcomes are, more often than not, better than predicted by standard theories. She observes that resource users frequently develop sophisticated mechanisms for decision-making and rule enforcement to handle conflicts of interest, and she characterizes the rules that promote successful outcomes.

b.  The background explanation is useful and contains a pointed criticism of many centrally-directed approaches to common pool resources (emphasis added):

If we want to halt the degradation of our natural environment and prevent a repetition of the many collapses of natural-resource stocks experienced in the past, we should learn from the successes and failures of common-property regimes. Ostrom’s work teaches us novel lessons about the deep mechanisms that sustain cooperation in human societies.

It has frequently been suggested that common ownership entails excessive resource utilization, and that it is advisable to reduce utilization either by imposing government regulations, such as taxes or quotas, or by privatizing the resource. The theoretical argument is simple: each user weighs private benefits against private costs, thereby neglecting the negative impact on others.

However, based on numerous empirical studies of natural-resource management, Elinor Ostrom has concluded that common property is often surprisingly well managed. Thus, the standard theoretical argument against common property is overly simplistic. It neglects the fact that users themselves can both create and enforce rules that mitigate overexploitation.
The standard argument also neglects the practical difficulties associated with privatization and government regulation. ...

There are many .... examples which indicate that user-management of local resources has been more successful than management by outsiders. ...

[T]he main lesson is that common property is often managed on the basis of rules and procedures that have evolved over long periods of time. As a result they are more adequate and subtle than outsiders – both politicians and social scientists – have tended to realize. Beyond showing that self-governance can be feasible and successful, Ostrom also elucidates the key features of successful governance. One instance is that active participation of users in creating and enforcing rules appears to be essential. Rules that are imposed from the outside or unilaterally dictated by powerful insiders have less legitimacy and are more likely to be violated. Likewise, monitoring and enforcement work better when conducted by insiders than by outsiders. These principles are in stark contrast to the common view that monitoring and sanctioning are the responsibility of the state and should be conducted by public employees.

2.   Miscellaneous recent materials

On December 16, Spiegel Online ran the following interview with Elinor Ostrom

NPR`s Planet Money: Podcast: Elinor Ostrom Checks In (October 23, 2009)

Lecture at Cornell University: "Collective Action and the Commons: What Have We Learned?" (September 17, 2009)

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3.  These following earlier posts:

Elinor Ostrom? Austrians praise the Nobel laureate`s work on how human communities successfuly manage resource conflicts by TokyoTom

Elinor Ostrom awarded the Nobel prize in economics? Who? no doubt some of you are wondering. Well, sharp-eyed readers will have noted that I have referred to her any number of times (which I will reprise later, as this post has gotten too lengthy). I excerpt below some of the praise Elinor Ostrom has...

Positive sum games: Get yer Elinor Ostrom here! A reprise of posts on rolling up our sleeves to address real problems that "markets" (& govt.) now aggravate by TokyoTom

I excerpt below, in chronological order, portions of my prior posts here that refer to Elinor Ostrom (the political scientist who recently was awarded the Nobel prize in economics) and are indebted to her thinking. Perhaps items 3 and 10 are most accessible for readers in a hurry to find links to her...

Elinor Ostrom: Another Nobel Laureate jumps the climate shark (Proceed at Own Risk) by TokyoTom

On December 16, Spiegel Online ran the following interview with Elinor Ostrom , whose 2009 Nobel prize in economics (shared with Oliver Williamson ), was widely applauded by Austrian economists (and whose work I have referred to any number of time previously ). Der Spiegel asked some good questions,...

Tragedy of the panicked enviro III: learning from Elinor Ostrom about cooperative action by TokyoTom

This is the second follow-up to my post " Grist and the tragedy of the panicked enviro ", where I try to clarify the institutional frameworks for understanding and addressing resource problems, in response to confusion in comments by others. T Worstall Posted 5:27 pm 27 Aug 2009 TokyoTom makes...

John Quiggin plays Pin-the-tail-on-the-Donkey with "Libertarians and delusionism" by TokyoTom

John Quiggin , a left-leaning Australian economist and professor at the University of Queensland, has noted my recent post on the penchant for bloggers and readers at the Mises Blog to attack climate science - are " almost universally committed to delusional views on climate science ", as he...

Not Climate Change Welfare, But Capitalism and Free Markets by TokyoTom

... is what poor countries need. So corrrectly argues Keith Lockitch of the Ayn Rand Institute , in a new article that responds to the agreement, by the delegates of industrialized nations at the December climate change conference in Bali, to activate an “adaptation fund” that would help...

Libertarians to lefty-enviros: without community-based property rights, sustainable fisheries are impossible by TokyoTom

Readers from RealClimate , thanks for your visit. Here`s my comment with embedded links: #188 / 245: Neal & Jim, thanks for the references to the successful experiments in Iceland, NZ and the Alaskan pollock fishery to replace the tragedy of the government commons with property rights approaches...

Ron Bailey of Reason congratulates Al Gore by TokyoTom

[updated] A great new post by libertarian Ron Bailey of Reason here: Congratulations to Al Gore But be wary of the man's proposed solutions for global warming. Ronald Bailey | October 12, 2007 http://www.reason.com/news/show/122960.html 1. Here are some excerpts (emphasis added), followed by a copy...

Using the State to solve common resource problems? by TokyoTom

How exactly do you transfer commons into private ownership in a fair way, even for easily divided up stuff like land? That's the trillion dollar question that someone asked me on a recent thread ( http://blog.mises.org/archives/007152.asp#comments ) regarding my suggestion that better definition...
Jon Bostwick agrees on another post that "Man is clever but not wise ("homo sapiens" is a misnomer)", but further comments (emphasis added): "True. But humanity is wise. Men create cultures, economies and law. "Man's flaw is that he is over confident of his own intelligence...

Published Fri, Jan 15 2010 11:02 AM by TokyoTom