
Never run with the crowd. They're probably headed over a cliff.

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Mr. Obama, Don't Build That Wall!
This week we are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of one of the 20th Century's most shining moments - the Fall of the Berlin Wall. A barrier that represented far more than an edifice of concrete and steel. The Berlin Wall represented a rift across...
It's Because I'm Black!
My wife is a school teacher. She teaches physics and chemisty to kids a lot bigger than she. The school she works in is a bit different than a normal school. It is called a "Technology High School" and is open to any student in the city - if...
Protection At Any Cost
We forget things. We forget because we are people, and people are lemmings. For a moment, recall the basis for my analysis – the myth of the lemming. Lemmings DO NOT rush into the sea and commit mass suicide. Lemmings can, however, be frightened...
Anatomy of a Lemming
Lemmus trimucronatus is a medium-sized rodent, a little bigger than a rat, that lives in cool climates. They are sort of like tundral-ground hogs. Back in the late fifties the Disney nature documentary "White Wilderness" showed a herd of lemmings...