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Climate Change Part 2: Why the Lie?
Either the planet is getting hotter or it isn't. Are manmade emissions the cause? Is the world headed for environmental Armageddon? Why is this a political football? It would seem to be an open and shut case. If the world is getting warmer, if manmade...
The Economy: What Do We Really Want?
A short blurb in today's (10/27/09) Wall Street Journal stated that home prices rose in most major American cities in August. This is cited as evidence of a recovering economy. But what does this mean and is it something we really want? Perhaps you've...
Changing Perspectives: Conclusion
We tend to forget that government, politics, and economics are not the same thing. The word politics and the phrase political party don’t even occur in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Nor is the word economy even implied in either of...