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Climate Change Part 3: The Greatest Danger
It has been said that Christianity would be perfect if there weren't people involved. I guess that's true of many things. Look at the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. As a group of documents they exalt...
Climate Change Part 2: Why the Lie?
Either the planet is getting hotter or it isn't. Are manmade emissions the cause? Is the world headed for environmental Armageddon? Why is this a political football? It would seem to be an open and shut case. If the world is getting warmer, if manmade...
Climate Change Part I: The Making of The Matrix.
I've been watching aghast the last few weeks as the climate change storm sweeps the planet. A few weeks ago we had the release of hundreds of emails detailing a systematic plan to silence and disrepute any scientific data or opinions contrary to the...