Rubén Rivero Capriles

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Venezuelan trickster, historical but not eternal (Full version as of July 18, 2009)

I have read Axel Capriles' book whose title into English could be translated as "The Venezuelan trickster or the triumph of Uncle Rabbit", and I find it quite interesting. I have reasons to believe that in the future, due to globalization, massive internet access and as many political sectors from all trends are increasingly fed up due to current events, maybe in the near future there could be, if not an abrupt cultural change, at least a national evolution leaded by some Venezuelans who not necessarily function as individuals bound by the trickster archetype. For example, Venezuelan-Americans living in Florida as a whole do boast a significantly higher educational level than the average North American of Caucasian descent, as reported by Wikipedia. Perhaps this assertion of mine will only confirm; however, the eternal duality of the trickster archetype.

RROOPSTR                Rivero&Cooper, Inc.


The historical description of the causes and manifestations of the Venenezuelans' double personality, friendly but distrustful, is pertinent and adjusted to our reality. However the author Axel Capriles on the first chapter, on page 34, comments what some of us Venezuelans have already concluded, once we have managed to transfer this historical experience from our collective unconsciousness toward our individual consciousness:
"Even though we may be extremely attracted to the romantic argument according to which it is preferable to live intensively during a brief timeframe for a great achievement instead of having a long, irrelevant life, it is a must to considr that human progress and welfare is much more due to the slow consolidation of institutions and to the accumulation of small inputs derived from the formation of social networks and the cooperative work, rather than the solar shine from the great geniuses and cultural heroes."
The question I ask myself, since paper and imagination can handle anything, is if due to various causes of the most diverse nature, a significant portion of Venezuelans, all of us tricksters according to our collective unconsciousness, would be able to become aware that it would convenience us to prefer that underestimated, long and safe irrelevant life. If we were to address such an alternative at a massive level, a social change could be generated at a conscious level already, because of a hypothetical but enormous sum of behavioral individual changes, so that our future actions would become more profitable to us, our culture, our development and our offspring.
I am not suggesting that it would be possible to remove ourselves from our national archetype. However; at the individual level many persons who repond to other types of more productive personality, are anyway bound to follow the trickster pattens in order to survive in this society. 
The trickster has completely kidnapped our national psychology the same way than addictions have wholly sequestered many people's individual psychology. Whenever recovering addicts consciously acknowledge their illness, they learn how to act soberly and sustainably throughout a longer timeframe. In spite of this they do not overcome their addiction, but they significantly improve their behavior and in some cases they manage to go on with their lives more fully and supported by unsuspected positive changes.  
Therefore, as our national addiction consists in performing everything through tricks, disdaining hard and productive chores, we could similarly make a conscious effort to lower our aggregate tricksterness to a statistically less sickly level, and empower future successive generations so that they release from their individual consciousness toward the future national collective unconsciousness, other kinds of behavior in accordance to the remaining archetypes. There are individual Venezuelans whose individual unconsciousness is better suited to the animus, the anima, the self, the shadow, the persona, the child, the hero, the great mother or the wise old man (senex). The bloated Venezuelan trickster is currently kidnapping us and. Our various individual personalities, once taken to our collective behavior, are not fully manifested because we are compelled to act as tricksters in order to survive in our current social environment.
Dating back to our independence days through today, spanning two full centuries, we have been victims and perpetuators of the trickster hypertrophy. By gaining consciousness that these long centuries of trickster excess have motivated a major portion of our underdevelopment would be the first step to transform our society in favor of greater welfare and progress, featuring better consolidation of institutions and accumulating cooperative inputs to the benefit of our offspring.
A voluntary awareness of the trickster stored within our national collective unconsciousness would only be possible through the synergy of several slow individual processes. Any exogenous event that may occur could actually accelerate or impair this awareness process. In any case our greater interaction with the psychology of the rest of the world through globalization and the internet could make us discover the existence of more effective ways to live our existence more fully and with less contradictions. Each one of us individually, Venezuelan "wild birds", could actually learn to acknowledge that we are not bound to constantly lie among ourselves for survival.

Rubén Rivero Capriles. Caracas, July 18, 2009

RROOPSTR               Rivero&Cooper, Inc.