F Dominicus Blog

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The sorcerers stone was found
Money printing does not lead to inflation Oh yeah. And that from a country which has disappropriated all the private creditors and have ruined the middle class through high inflation. Am I impressed? You can bet.....
Worst ways
or, why deledefs love Fiat-money and their money monopoly. Well as we have to realize that we have a debt problem world-wide. (USA > 15 trillions of debt, just remember in June or so they have raised the debt level vom 14 trillions), The EU somewhere...
to bubble or not to bubble?
this is the question. The Dax is up around 1000 points that are roughly 16,67 %, let's see what the Dow has done: up around 1000 points also that are roughly 9.6%. Well let's see Gold: roughly up 300 EUR from 750 EUR beginning of the year, that...