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Now what's up Fed?
Isn't it time for QE IV? You still think you can print yourself out of the misery with even more worthless paper don't you? Just one question. Why hasn't it worked in the past? What's can be the problem? Are the printing presses to slow...
German magazines are just disappointing
If it comes to a least three themes 1) politicians and there wrong-doing 2) environmental questions 3) demanding more laws. There was one of the most devastating earth quakes ever in Japan, the only "intersing" theme are nuclear plants... And...
to bubble or not to bubble?
this is the question. The Dax is up around 1000 points that are roughly 16,67 %, let's see what the Dow has done: up around 1000 points also that are roughly 9.6%. Well let's see Gold: roughly up 300 EUR from 750 EUR beginning of the year, that...
Inflating new bubbles
Unfortunately nothing was learned. As you may have registered the stock markets are going up. Well the suprise is not that large. There is so much funny mulitcolored paper available. Once it was known as curreny but it's does not have any worth. So...
How much worth is your Euro?
Well in Germany we have one answer since yesterday. Ten years ago shares of ENBW were sold to the french government owned EBNF. That has cost them around 2.4 Billion Euro. Now the land Baden-Württemberg has bought back the shares. (nice side-note, the...
They simply do not get it.
The big troubles with our current "Politicians "is that they feel, that just given enough political influence all things will turn out good. This is a big mistake. The most urgent problem is to give people confidence that they itself can manage...
Who is to blame
for the oil spill in the gulf. Well yes BP is the main reason but, the governement have decided after the Exon accident to limit the liability to around 75 000 000. Maybe anyone can tell me why that was kept so low, the refineries earn Billions a year...
Has the "Endkampf" begun?
I wonder if we see the last tries for the social-democratic parties? Just imagine the following two numbers: 8 700 000 000 000 14 000 000 000 000 That are the debts of the EU and the US. Both are currently riding on "experts" like Krugman, which...
now you even got it black on white
the Raid is on it's way. Only if the Bundesverfassungericht stops this deledefs, things can have a positve turn. My last message about Investors now is all too true. You may make contracts with german governement, but don't count that they will...
Don't make contracts with the EU
they will not served. the EU will pay for the debts of Greece: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8508688.stm needless to say: http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/126.html and http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/125.html Now a giant new lie is done. Don't count on...
How long will the EUR persist
Even frauds, are not a reason to throw out the defrauders. So the questions about help for those breaking all rules, are answered. The politicians do not care a bit. If they steal, they name it taxes, if the do black-mailing it's helping EU partners...
The "allmighty" politicians
An intersting example of farsight of politicians. As some of you may know Greece, has terrible hard times with their deficits. some suggest that it has to be excluced from the EU currency area, however there are not provisions for such a case. And now...
Not very encouraging
http://crisismaven.wordpress.com/2010/02/08/bloom-of-doom-v-we-have-control-of-the-ship-we-have-a-plan/ Or maybe not? Is doomsday not that far away, the day the slavery through governement will end (for our "politicians")? I guess the answer...
Getting the figures straight
Just found. The assets of the Deutsche Bahn are estimated at around 150 Mrd EUR. Now let's assume the DB is there now for 60 years. The new debts of German in 2019 are 100 Mrd (currently, still open to higher values, unlikely to be lower). So our...