F Dominicus Blog

A politically incorrect blog about matters of money, government, bureaucracy, freedom and sometimes something else.

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Money printing the ECB way
Great news for all the inaptly European banks out there. The lender of last resort, does what the FED does for ages, they are printing money. Well it's not named this of course. Because we live in time of double-speak. It's to avoid a credit crunch...
I'm im(de)pressed
Guess that the democrats and republicans have find an agreement. The agreement is as follows We can not save so we need more credit We seriously have tried to save. We messed it up as usual. We are not sorry, you have to pay I remind you of this blog...
New lows? Sure new lows !!
Well it seems the lows were not low enough 1) The USA growth was cut by 2/3 from the "experts" 2) The help for Greece is not enough the "saving" goals will not be reached 3) Gold climbs again but the Germans sell their Gold attire...
What we really need
is in first line stable money. Fiat-Geld has proven that it can not cope with it. Well that's not suprise for anyone a little bit interested in "History". If I have the choice between two beliefs than I'd prefer always "the market"...