F Dominicus Blog

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Of Inflation up to 3.1 % in the US and 2.4% in EURo land Does not need much more to get over 4%. If that is reached you money will half it's value in just 18 years. And still the Fed is printing money as mad. So maybe 5% is not that far away. And...
to bubble or not to bubble?
this is the question. The Dax is up around 1000 points that are roughly 16,67 %, let's see what the Dow has done: up around 1000 points also that are roughly 9.6%. Well let's see Gold: roughly up 300 EUR from 750 EUR beginning of the year, that...
There's just one thing left.
Which will stop the deldedefs to ruin us completey. We have to take away the possiblities to mess up with money. So it all ends in, we need to have a stable money. We have to get rid of the central banks. The problems with the current state of affairs...