F Dominicus Blog

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Control? What control?
Ah well now it seems to get catastrophic. The Greeks vote again. And Europe may come to an end. At least the Euro Europe. In Germany the system press, paints a picture black in black. According to the comments the Euro is a showpiece of a project that...
Yet another few billions
Well maybe you know the book with the title "the never ending story". Well we have a political follow-up to it. It's called HRE. The German have sunk (officially around 100 Billions) into it from 2008 till yesterday. And suprise out of the...
bread and circuses
Well that's what the german deledefs seem to prefer. As some of you might have heard a german "frollein" has won the European song contest. Now the polticians declare her a "great" german figurehead. But you know, if you get instrumented...