F Dominicus Blog

A politically incorrect blog about matters of money, government, bureaucracy, freedom and sometimes something else.

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The price of artificial low interest
Well it seems we won't learn it. It was the cheap credit which lead the the inflated prices of housing in every country now in trouble. The low interest the states had to pay lead to astronomic budget holes. Because money does not cost much. Instead...
The non interest earning gold
This is a very crude way to discuss. If you'd read Rothbard you will see he never talks about some fiat-currency but gold ounces and that even those earn their interest. That it's not so with current gold is simply because gold is calculated in...
What do they think
I just will first start with 2 numbers 3 800 000 000 000 1 300 000 000 000 Now let's see how this numbers are "related." Let's see 1 300 000 000 000 / 3 800 000 000 000 = 0.34211 or in per cent 34.211 %. So what? Well the US budget consists...
A few calculations
Well our German politicians claim that the speculants are the reason for the turmoils around the EUR. Now let us see whether they may be right or wrong. Let us assume the following situation interest rate at 10%, time-frame 1 year (to avoid compounded...
from Greece is in free fall. Now it's Junk-bond status. The interest has risen to above 10%. Well Greeks the EUR is just "paper" money. So there's always the "solutio" of hyperinflation. Unfortunatly you are not alone with...